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US War on Drugs: elusive victory, disputed ... editorial comment
07-March-2006, United States, Reuters

Despite three decades of upbeat reports on battles won in the war on drugs, cocaine, heroin and marijuana are as easily available as ever and experts say the United States has yet to develop a strategy that works. Just as in previous years, the ...

If anyone is winning the drugs war, it is not the ... editorial comment
06-March-2006, United Kingdom, scotsman

FIGURES just released which show a sharp decrease in the number of Edinburgh youngsters being treated for drug addiction could be taken as a sign that the battle against drugs is being won. Sadly most evidence points to the contrary. If anyone ...

Marc Emery and the Seedy War on Pot (and drugs in ... editorial comment
06-March-2006, United States, The Liberty Paper

At first glance, if you’ve read my bio, you might wonder what the heck a gal like me could have to say about the war on drugs. If you really don’t know me, you might read to the first line of the fifth paragraph of my bio and immediately discount ...

Danger zone switches from poppy field to the ... editorial comment
01-March-2006, United Kingdom, Times Online

CAN the “War on Drugs” ever be won? History is not encouraging — nor is the latest United Nations report on the state of hostilities. The lessons are particularly depressing for Afghanistan and for the role that Britain has shouldered there. The ...

Ads in Montana Battle Methamphetamine editorial comment
26-February-2006, United States, The New York Times

The camera follows the teenager as she showers for her night out and looks down to discover the drain swirling with blood. She turns and sees her methamphetamine-addicted self cowering below, oozing from scabs she has picked all over her body ...

Musings About the Drug War editorial comment
26-February-2006, United States, The Wall Street Journal

BY GEORGE MELLOAN Sunday, February 26, 2006 12:01 a.m. EST Economist Milton Friedman predicted in Newsweek nearly 34 years ago that Richard Nixon's ambitious "global war against drugs" would be a failure. Much evidence today suggests that he ...

War on drugs - is it really 'right'? editorial comment
12-February-2006, United States, newsday

What's so conservative about the war on drugs? Spending billions in taxpayer dollars with no clear progress? Inserting government agents into Americans' private lives? Holding a million men and women in prison for what are mostly nonviolent ...

Drug Database: Prescription for Trouble editorial comment
08-February-2006, United States, The Cato Institute

"The White House Wednesday will announce a national anti-drug strategy that includes prodding more states to set up databases that can track people who get multiple prescriptions of frequently abused prescription drugs such as OxyContin and ...

Critics say U.S. war on drugs in Colombia failing editorial comment
02-February-2006, Colombia, Chicago Tribune

Six years after the U.S. initiated an anti-narcotics program in Colombia, American policymakers and experts are at odds over whether the effort has significantly reduced the supply of cocaine reaching U.S. shores. Since 2000, the U.S. has poured ...

An overdose of targets - except on drugs editorial comment
31-January-2006, Afghanistan, The Times

THE plan to rebuild Afghanistan, which will be revealed at today’s meeting in London, contains a formidable list of targets for the country. The timing is good, at least. The conference of 30 countries will pull together international attention ...

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