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 Result for the keyword "ketamine". [remove filter

HORSE DRUG KATE editorial comment
25-September-2005, United Kingdom, Mirror.co.uk

KATE Moss turned into a "mad woman" after taking a potentially lethal cocktail of drugs including a horse tranquilliser, it was revealed last night. She snorted line after line of cocaine and ketamine - known as Special K in drugs circles - after ...

Special K, the horse pill taking over from ... editorial comment
06-September-2005, United Kingdom, Guardian Unlimited

In veterinary circles, ketamine is used as a horse tranquilliser; on the battlefield, it has proved an effective anaesthetic. But in UK clubs and bars, the drug, known as Special K, has developed a mass following. According to new research, Special ...

Russia's war on drugs hurts nation's pets, vets editorial comment
22-November-2004, Russia, USA Today

Russian veterinarians are landing in jail and animals are being operated on without pain relief because an anti-drug law makes the necessary anesthesia either illegal or very difficult to obtain, animal-rights organizations say. The veterinarians ...

Chinese singer Jiang Tao suspected of drug use editorial comment
15-November-2004, China, Xinhuanet

Chinese singer Jiang Tao has been arrested in Beijing on suspicion of possessing the illegal narcotic, Ketamine. Jiang Tao and more than 20 other suspects returned positive urine tests on Saturday, reported China Radio International on Sunday. ...

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