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Bush budget faulted in drug-war setback editorial comment
07-March-2006, United States, The Washington Times

A Bush administration decision to divert money for Colombian drug interdiction and eradication programs to the war on terrorism has opened up the southern U.S. border to a new flood of heroin and cocaine, say senior congressional and Colombian ...

US War on Drugs: elusive victory, disputed ... editorial comment
07-March-2006, United States, Reuters

Despite three decades of upbeat reports on battles won in the war on drugs, cocaine, heroin and marijuana are as easily available as ever and experts say the United States has yet to develop a strategy that works. Just as in previous years, the ...

Critics say U.S. war on drugs in Colombia failing editorial comment
02-February-2006, Colombia, Chicago Tribune

Six years after the U.S. initiated an anti-narcotics program in Colombia, American policymakers and experts are at odds over whether the effort has significantly reduced the supply of cocaine reaching U.S. shores. Since 2000, the U.S. has poured ...

Changing the Drug War Debate editorial comment
26-January-2006, Bolivia, AlterNet

When Evo Morales took the office of president of Bolivia on Sunday, it was notable not only as the end of a "Bolivian-style apartheid" but also for making Morales the world's No. 1 spokesman for the coca plant. Morales, himself a former coca ...

Colombia suspends anti-drug fumigation editorial comment
17-January-2006, Colombia, United Press International

Despite U.S. efforts to eradicate cocaine production in Latin America, Colombia is suspending aerial fumigation along its border with Ecuador. The decision will concern the Bush administration, which has used Colombia as its primary state in its ...

Bolivia Elects a President Who Supports Coca ... editorial comment
19-December-2005, Bolivia, The New York Times

Evo Morales, a candidate for president who has pledged to reverse a campaign financed by the United States to wipe out coca growing, scored a decisive victory in general elections in Bolivia on Sunday. Evo Morales, 46, a former coca farmer, was ...

Running on the coca ticket editorial comment
23-November-2005, Bolivia, Sun Sentinel

The coca farmers on these steep mountain slopes have long felt their livelihood and Indian identity threatened by U.S.-backed efforts to uproot the crop that makes cocaine. Now they are pinning their hopes on one of their own: an Indian coca farmer ...

The war on Colombia's cocaine industry editorial comment
18-October-2005, Colombia, BBC News

Plan Colombia - the $3bn (£1.7bn) US effort to hit cocaine at its source - has become embroiled in the country's 40-year armed conflict. The BBC's Paul Kenyon travels with the Junglas, an elite anti-narcotics unit, as they comb the Colombian ...

Women pay a price in war on Afghan drug trade editorial comment
28-September-2005, Afghanistan, boston.com

In the thirsty hills of Nangarhar province, debt is a way of life. Every autumn, sharecroppers take loans from drug traffickers to plant their poppy crops. After every harvest, they repay them in poppies, which are eventually turned into heroin. ...

Colombia weighs fresh tack in drug war editorial comment
11-August-2005, Colombia, The Christian Science Monitor

In a bid to further eliminate coca crops and cut off funding for armed rebels, President Alvaro Uribe has proposed that the government pay peasant farmers for their coca crops. Uribe made the bold and controversial offer late last month at a town ...

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