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When drugs put baseball in focus editorial comment
20-April-2008, United States, Los Angeles Times

You've seen the play a million times. Routine ground ball. First baseman picks up the ball, runs it to the bag for the out, "3U" in your scorebook. Adam LaRoche picked up the ball, but he did not run. "I was kind of out of it," he ...

Oversupply of cocaine, U.S. shift to synthetic ... editorial comment
31-January-2006, Mexico, NewsFromRussia

wave of violence in Mexico is being fueled in part by an oversupply of cocaine and the growing popularity of synthetic drugs in the United States, leading gangs here to fight over markets to sell their wares, Mexico's attorney general said on ...

Illicit 'Study Drugs' Tempting More Students editorial comment
02-June-2005, United States, ABC News

Maggie is an "A" student at a top university — highly motivated, and determined to do well. But when she recently allowed "Primetime Live" cameras to follow her during finals week, she asked not to have her real name or the school she was ...

State Senate OKs limits on cold medicine editorial comment
03-March-2005, United States, The Business Journal

The Minnesota Senate passed a bill Thursday limiting the sale of popular cold remedies that contain an ingredient found in the narcotic methamaphetamine. The legislation, sponsored by state Sen. Linda Berglin, DFL-Minneapolis, would only allow the ...

Recipe Regulation editorial comment
26-January-2005, United States, BoiseWeekly

Lawmakers’ war on drugs targets cold medicines by carissa wolf Casey Wright races through another January night that blends into another day unpunctuated by the recommended seven to eight hours of sleep. The mom, the artist, the self-employed ...

'Greenies' still drugs of choice editorial comment
17-January-2005, United States, Rocky Mountain News

The unveiling Thursday of baseball's new drugs-testing policy did more than renew debate about how to tackle steroids use - it also highlighted the sport's long, not-so-secret relationship with amphetamines. Amphetamines, commonly known as ...

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