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Is legalising drugs the only answer? editorial comment
30-April-2006, United Kingdom, The Sunday Times

Some top police officers are now backing the idea that hard drugs should be decriminalised. Is this a brave but foolhardy idea, asks Tim Luckhurst When the Ayrshire drugs baron John Gorman was jailed for 12 years last week and nine of his ...

Vote for freedom, vote Libertarian editorial comment
19-October-2004, United States, Minnesota Daily

I sympathize with the so-called “undecided” voters, but I know they are not really undecided. They have come to the firm conclusion that voting for either one of the two leading presidential candidates will be a humiliating compromise of their moral ...

I'd burn down my neighbor's house editorial comment
26-September-2000, United States, jewishworldreview

I DID EVERYTHING I could, and it's not my fault. As a legal resident of the noble Fourth District of Connecticut -- once represented by glamorous, brilliant, smart aleck Claire Booth Luce, and currently represented by a phony, ponderous, ...

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