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Bush blank over Texas drugs editorial comment
08-February-2005, United States, ThisisLondon

President Bush was not aware of any steroid use by Texas Rangers players while he was a team executive, the White House insisted today. Jose Canseco claims he introduced three players to steroids after being traded to Texas in 1992, and claimed ...

Drugs in Sports: No Outrage? editorial comment
08-December-2004, United States, The Christian Science Monitor

The three-martini lunch in America is a social relic. Smoking in most workplaces and restaurants is banned. So when will the cultural shift that made these unsavory practices un-cool also spread to the world of sports - where doping ...

Stars who fell foul of drugs rules editorial comment
19-October-2004, United Kingdom, ThisisLondon

Chelsea striker Adrian Mutu has admitted testing positive for cocaine and is facing a lengthy ban. Here we look at other high-profile drugs cases in football. MARK BOSNICH The Australian goalkeeper tested positive for cocaine in December 2002 ...

Culture of Chemicals editorial comment
11-October-2004, United States, ESPN

There was a buoyant cheeriness in the visitors' clubhouse at Angel Stadium after the Red Sox beat Anaheim in Game 1 of the Division Series. Some players still smudged with eye black chatted at their lockers, while others finished interviews with the ...

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