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Young, Assured and Playing Pharmacist to Friends editorial comment
16-November-2005, United States, The New York Times

Nathan Tylutki arrived late in New York, tired but eager to go out dancing. When his friend Katherine K. offered him the Ritalin she had inherited from someone who had stopped taking his prescription, he popped two pills and stayed out all night. ...

Report: 15 million abuse prescription drugs editorial comment
11-July-2005, United States, MSNBC

Gayle Adame got a prescription drug for pain after surgery. It made her feel so good that she started manipulating doctors so she could get several powerful painkillers at once. "I would take four or five Percocets and a couple of Vicodin and ...

New drugs raising concern editorial comment
13-June-2005, United States, deseretnews.com

By Pat Reavy Deseret Morning News Abuse of the popular painkiller Oxycontin has caused problems for law enforcement and doctors for years. Now the rising popularity of two other drugs is causing added concern along the Wasatch Front. ...

Addictive drugs given to US sleep deprived - ... editorial comment
01-June-2005, United States, Reuters AlerNet

Doctors prescribe potentially addictive drugs nearly half the time when patients seek help with a sleep disorder, U.S. researchers reported on Wednesday. Older patients and those with publicly funded health insurance plans were nearly twice as ...

'No hike in prices of essential drugs' editorial comment
26-March-2005, India, The Economic Times

CHENNAI: There would be no increase in the prices of essential drugs in view of the passing of the third amendment to the Patents Act, Union Health Minister Anbumani Ramadoss said here on Saturday. "The third amendment to the Patent Act was ...

A Host of Anxiety Drugs, Begat by Valium
22-February-2005, United States, The New York Times

By NICHOLAS BAKALAR Published: February 22, 2005 Among famous inventors, Leo H. Sternbach may not immediately leap to mind. But this May in Akron, Ohio, Dr. Sternbach, who is 96, will be inducted into the National Inventors Hall of ...

The newest war on drugs editorial comment
12-February-2005, United States, USNews.com

When Anne's grandmother was hospitalized two years ago with chest pains, she couldn't remember what medications she was on. So doctors sent Anne to the woman's home in eastern Washington State to look in her cabinets. What they found shocked both ...

Call these drugs IQ-profen editorial comment
15-January-2005, United States, Houston Chronicle

It would be hard to imagine improving on the intelligence of computer engineer Bjoern Stenger, a doctoral candidate at Cambridge University. Yet for several hours, a pill seemed to make him even brainier. Participating in a research project, ...

The lure of sex drugs editorial comment
06-December-2004, United States, Newsday.com

A Food and Drug Administration advisory board may have set back the 10 pharmaceutical companies working on drugs for female sexual dysfunction when it recommended last week that Procter & Gamble's Intrinsa testoterone patch undergo more testing ...

Limbaugh case heads to Florida high court editorial comment
17-November-2004, United States, CNN.com

A legal dispute over whether prosecutors violated conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh's medical privacy during an investigation into possible misuse of prescription painkillers was sent to the Florida Supreme Court Wednesday for ...

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