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Jail, prison populations rise 2.6 percent editorial comment
21-May-2006, United States, CNN

More than 1,000 inmates were added to the nation's prisons and jails each week from June 2004 to June 2005, according to a report issued Sunday by the U.S. Department of Justice. The 56,428 new inmates -- including both convicts and those ...

Ads in Montana Battle Methamphetamine editorial comment
26-February-2006, United States, The New York Times

The camera follows the teenager as she showers for her night out and looks down to discover the drain swirling with blood. She turns and sees her methamphetamine-addicted self cowering below, oozing from scabs she has picked all over her body ...

Drug Database: Prescription for Trouble editorial comment
08-February-2006, United States, The Cato Institute

"The White House Wednesday will announce a national anti-drug strategy that includes prodding more states to set up databases that can track people who get multiple prescriptions of frequently abused prescription drugs such as OxyContin and ...

Potent Mexican Meth Floods In as States Curb ... editorial comment
23-January-2006, United States, GoUpstate.com

In the seven months since Iowa passed a law restricting the sale of cold medicines used to make methamphetamine, seizures of homemade methamphetamine laboratories have dropped to just 20 a month from 120. People once terrified about the neighbor's ...

Meth dangers: Addictive drug a pollution threat editorial comment
20-January-2006, United States, The Ithaca Journal

It's cheap and easy to make, and law enforcement officials throughout the county say it's by far the biggest drug problem they're dealing with. It can also injure people -- adults and children -- who've never bought, used, heard of or even seen ...

Meth addicts' other habit: Online theft editorial comment
16-December-2005, United States, USA Today

Hot on the trail of identity thieves, veteran Edmonton Police Service detectives Al Vonkeman and Bob Gauthier last winter hustled to a local motel, a cinder-block establishment where rooms rent by the hour. Twice before police had descended on ...

Restrictions on Meth Ingredients Are Sought editorial comment
15-December-2005, United States, The New York Times

A bipartisan group of lawmakers announced an agreement on Wednesday to restrict the sales of cold medicines that can be used to manufacture the illegal and highly addictive drug methamphetamine. Under the proposal, Sudafed and similar medicines ...

Hostage Mom Exposes Drug War Double Standard editorial comment
30-September-2005, United States, AlterNet

Last March, Atlanta hostage Ashley Smith got a rousing cheer from public officials, law enforcement, and much of the media for cajoling accused rampage shooter Brian Nichols to give himself up. Smith deserved the praise. It took courage, compassion, ...

Ashley Smith frank about her flaws in new book editorial comment
27-September-2005, United States, ajc.com

Ashley Smith, the woman held hostage for hours after the March 11 Fulton County Courthouse shootings, reveals in a book released today that she gave alleged gunman Brian Nichols drugs on the night he held her captive. Smith, 27, was thrust into a ...

Consumers caught in meth war crossfire editorial comment
14-August-2005, United States, The Oregonian

The latest insanity in the war on drugs comes to you from Georgia. As The New York Times reported, the feds arrested 49 convenience store clerks and owners -- essentially for selling legal cold and allergy pills. "Operation Meth Merchant" is the ...

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