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Young, Assured and Playing Pharmacist to Friends editorial comment
16-November-2005, United States, The New York Times

Nathan Tylutki arrived late in New York, tired but eager to go out dancing. When his friend Katherine K. offered him the Ritalin she had inherited from someone who had stopped taking his prescription, he popped two pills and stayed out all night. ...

Time for a new strategy in the war on drugs editorial comment
15-June-2005, United States, The Seattle Times

"Is it Time to End the War on Drugs?" The King County Bar Association gave that title to a report in 2001, and now has put out a study that answers, yes. The study, "Effective Drug Control," argues that the use of marijuana, cocaine, heroin and ...

Psych drugs trick rats out of cocaine addiction editorial comment
07-February-2005, United States, ABC News

By Sophie Scott Rats have been successfully cured of cocaine addictions without any withdrawal symptoms through a treatment Melbourne scientists hope will work in humans. Cocaine boosts the levels of dopamines or feel-good hormones, in the ...

Free of Drugs and Alcohol, and Acting Like a ... editorial comment
06-December-2004, United States, The New York Times

Dennis Barton was a promising young man, a member of the Boys Clubs of America, a hobbyist who built model ships and airplanes, a fan of James Brown, and a regular at church on Sundays. But things started going south, as he puts it, when he ...

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