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Science pairs Ecstasy with terminally ill editorial comment
26-February-2005, United States, seattlepi.com

Harvard researchers are preparing for the first time in three decades to conduct human experiments using a psychedelic drug, a study that would seek to harness the mind-altering effects of the drug Ecstasy to help ease the crushing psychic burdens ...

Dr. Ecstasy editorial comment
30-January-2005, United States, The New York Times

By DRAKE BENNETT Alexander Shulgin, Sasha to his friends, lives with his wife, Ann, 30 minutes inland from the San Francisco Bay on a hillside dotted with valley oak, Monterey pine and hallucinogenic cactus. At 79, he stoops a little, but he is ...

Scariest drugs are legal ones editorial comment
09-January-2005, United States, New York Daily News

In 1969, as a hippie kid at Woodstock, I sat in the mud with a score of Brooklyn pilgrims from Prospect Park's Hippie Hill listening to festival organizers shouting over the loudspeakers to the 400,000 zonked-out druggies, "Beware of the brown acid, ...

FDA Approves Harvard MAPS Study on Ecstasy
04-January-2005, United States, Drug Policy Alliance

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a Harvard Medical School study of the impact of MDMA (ecstasy) on anxiety suffered by cancer patients. The study, to be conducted by Dr. John Halpern, will be sponsored by the Multidisciplinary ...

Seeking merit in street drugs editorial comment
04-January-2005, United States, Newsday.com

For some, the diagnosis comes out of the blue. For others, it arrives after a long battle. Either way, the news that death is just a few months away poses a daunting challenge for both doctor and patient. Drugs can ease pain and reduce anxiety, ...

Expert: Public 'Defenseless' Vs. Bad Drugs editorial comment
18-November-2004, United States, ABC News

At least five medications now sold to consumers pose such risks that their sale should be limited or stopped, said a government drug reviewer who raised safety questions earlier about the arthritis drug Vioxx. In testimony Thursday before the ...

Long Trip for Psychedelic Drugs
27-September-2004, United States, Wired News

Psychedelic drugs are inching their way slowly but surely toward prescription status in the United States, thanks to a group of persistent scientists who believe drugs like ecstasy and psilocybin can help people with terminal cancer, ...

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