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'Wire' actress arrested on minor drug charge editorial comment
22-August-2008, United States, The Associated Press

BALTIMORE (AP) — An actress who appeared on the HBO series "The Wire" has been arrested on minor drug charges. Court records show Felicia "Snoop" Pearson, who played a killer of the same name on the televesion series, was charged after police ...

SWAT Team Horror in the War on Drugs editorial comment
08-August-2008, United States, MWC News

This past week, Americans have had the opportunity to witness another glorious day in the life of the 35-year-old war on drugs. A few minutes after the mayor of Berwyn Heights, Maryland, Cheye Calvo, returned home from walking his two Labrador ...

America's never-ending prohibition editorial comment
06-August-2008, United States, Reuters

By Bernd Debusmann WASHINGTON (Reuters) - America's alcohol prohibition lasted 13 years, filled the country's prisons, inspired contempt for the law among millions, bred corruption and produced Al Capone. What it did not do was keep Americans ...

Drug paraphernalia being put to use in the ... editorial comment
19-April-2008, United States, Ionia Sentinel Standard

Portland Public Schools' Westwood Elementary School received a boost in its ability to educate students Friday afternoon, thanks to a donation from the Central Michigan Enforcement Team. Six fifth graders helped Portland Public Schools officials, ...

Rick Steves is just a NORML guy editorial comment
14-March-2006, United States, The Seattle Times

You imagine Rick Steves going to bed early, bags packed, itinerary ready, sensible shoes lined up by the door. You don't imagine him ensconced in some European parlor, taking pulls off a big, fat doobie. But it turns out Steves, our home-grown ...

Marc Emery and the Seedy War on Pot (and drugs in ... editorial comment
06-March-2006, United States, The Liberty Paper

At first glance, if you’ve read my bio, you might wonder what the heck a gal like me could have to say about the war on drugs. If you really don’t know me, you might read to the first line of the fifth paragraph of my bio and immediately discount ...

Student group drums up opposition to drug war editorial comment
05-March-2006, United States, Student group drums up opposition to drug war

Gary Davey smokes marijuana and credits the drug with relieving pain from injuries he received in a head-on collision that shattered most of his bones from the waist down and confined him to a wheelchair in 1989. Corley Koprowski, a University of ...

In Czech society, marijuana is part of the ... editorial comment
28-January-2006, Czech Republic, chron.com

The man with the dancing eyebrows and the blurry tattoo stands in the chilled night and opens the barred gate to his apartment. A dog sleeps on the bed; a snapping turtle floats inside a glass coffee table. A hot light glows in the bathroom, where ...

War on Drugs Hits New Low editorial comment
07-December-2005, United States, San Francisco Independent Media Center

The federal war on medi-pot patients hit a new low last month when Royal Canadian Mounted Police nabbed 38-year-old Steven W. Tuck from his Vancouver, B.C., hospital bed, whisked him to the border, and relinquished him to the custody of U.S. ...

War on drugs hits new low editorial comment
25-November-2005, United States, The Austin Chronicle

The federal war on medi-pot patients hit a new low last month when Royal Canadian Mounted Police nabbed 38-year-old Steven W. Tuck from his Vancouver, B.C., hospital bed, whisked him to the border, and relinquished him to the custody of U.S. ...

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