Marijuana: A Pointless But Ending War
21-November-2005, United States, The Knight News
Back in my supermarket days as a stock boy, a coworker gave me an anecdote about how he was getting high with his friends at a deserted rail yard. Two police officers appeared suddenly, so the kids languidly tried to hide their joints behind their ...
Speakout: Time has come to legalize marijuana
14-November-2005, United States, Rocky Mountain News
The Rocky Mountain News editorializes that the city of Denver must enforce the state pot law in the wake of the repeal of the city ordinance by voters, as if some profound prinicple were at stake here ("City must enforce state pot law," Nov. 7). In ...
I-100 author smokes foes
03-November-2005, United States, Rocky Mountain News
23-year-old turns tables on drug war with Denver victory
By Alan Gathright, Rocky Mountain News
November 3, 2005
It's not even noon and Mason Tvert already has hit seven television and five radio news shows in his post-election victory lap as ...
Bleak news from the drug war
28-October-2005, United States, Recordnet
To me, Red Ribbon Week is a time not only to make the good arguments against drugs to kids, but time to salvage what shreds of national sanity remain after decades of America's war on drugs.
Next to solving every foreign policy problem ...
Drug war’s focus on grass obscures addiction’s ...
25-October-2005, United States, The Daily Tar Heel
October 25, 2005
Marijuana, apparently, loads unloaded guns.
That’s what the public service announcements would have you think, with dramatized scenes and stern voice-overs nearly culminating in a ...
New strategies for the old war against drugs
18-October-2005, Canada, The Globe and Mail
Whether we like it or not, we appear headed for what will certainly be a loud and rancorous debate over this country's drug policies. And framing the discussion will be the ever-growing view of health professionals that it's time to turn convention ...
Toking Diplomacy
14-October-2005, United States, Mother Jones
If you were the guy everyone called the prince of pot and the U.S. drug czar came to town rattling his saber, you’d probably have the sense to stay out of his way. At the very least, you wouldn’t go out of your way to antagonize him, let alone pay ...
Marijuana Compound Spurs Brain Cell Growth
13-October-2005, United States, Forbes
When it comes to the controversy surrounding medical marijuana, an international team of researchers is busy stirring the pot by releasing findings that suggest the drug helps promote brain cell growth while treating mood disorders.
According to ...
Tories let Cameron off the hook over drugs ...
13-October-2005, United Kingdom, Telegraph
David Cameron emerged unscathed from the first round of leadership hustings with Conservative MPs last night after Right-wingers backed away from putting him on the spot over whether he took drugs as a student.
His supporters had feared an ...
Drug war fuels crime
19-September-2005, United States, The Charlotte Observer
How should North Carolina respond to the growing use of methamphetamine? During the crack epidemic of the '80s, New York City chose the zero tolerance approach, opting to arrest and prosecute as many offenders as possible. Meanwhile, Washington, ...
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