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'Wire' actress arrested on minor drug charge editorial comment
22-August-2008, United States, The Associated Press

BALTIMORE (AP) — An actress who appeared on the HBO series "The Wire" has been arrested on minor drug charges. Court records show Felicia "Snoop" Pearson, who played a killer of the same name on the televesion series, was charged after police ...

Study: U.S. Paper Money Covered With Cocaine editorial comment
06-August-2008, United States, Fox news

Paper money contains high traces of cocaine, regardless of whether or not the paper money came into direct contact with the drug. U.S. bills take the top spot, covered in the greatest amount of the illegal powder, while euro notes issued in Spain ...

Drug paraphernalia being put to use in the ... editorial comment
19-April-2008, United States, Ionia Sentinel Standard

Portland Public Schools' Westwood Elementary School received a boost in its ability to educate students Friday afternoon, thanks to a donation from the Central Michigan Enforcement Team. Six fifth graders helped Portland Public Schools officials, ...

Teen to run smoke and sex shop editorial comment
12-November-2004, United Kingdom, ic Wales

A 16-YEAR-OLD boy is to open a drugs paraphernalia and adult video store in Wales. The store in Swansea will be run by Antony Manca, who has until now been living with his father Piet in Spain. Mr Manca (senior) hit the headlines earlier this ...

Tommy Chong Released from Prison
09-July-2004, United States, Drug Reform Coordination Network

Counterculture icon Tommy Chong walked out of federal prison Tuesday after serving a nine-month sentence as part of the Justice Department's crackdown on bongs, known as Operation Pipedream. Chong was released from the federal Bureau of Prisons Taft ...

Feds confiscate 42,000 bongs and other drug ...
04-May-2004, United States, Miami Herald

Federal agents confiscated 42,000 bongs, pipes and other drug paraphernalia, worth $1 million, from a Miami warehouse that officials said Monday is run by one of the largest distributors of such items in the United States. No one was ...

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