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When drugs put baseball in focus editorial comment
20-April-2008, United States, Los Angeles Times

You've seen the play a million times. Routine ground ball. First baseman picks up the ball, runs it to the bag for the out, "3U" in your scorebook. Adam LaRoche picked up the ball, but he did not run. "I was kind of out of it," he ...

Young, Assured and Playing Pharmacist to Friends editorial comment
16-November-2005, United States, The New York Times

Nathan Tylutki arrived late in New York, tired but eager to go out dancing. When his friend Katherine K. offered him the Ritalin she had inherited from someone who had stopped taking his prescription, he popped two pills and stayed out all night. ...

Illicit 'Study Drugs' Tempting More Students editorial comment
02-June-2005, United States, ABC News

Maggie is an "A" student at a top university — highly motivated, and determined to do well. But when she recently allowed "Primetime Live" cameras to follow her during finals week, she asked not to have her real name or the school she was ...

ADHD Drugs Just Not For Children Anymore editorial comment
10-May-2005, United States, ABC News

Like dormitories and dining halls, Adderall was something Cory Clair figured he'd leave behind in college. But when he went off the medication and started a new job in January, his mind began wandering at work just as it did in class before he was ...

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