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 Result for the keyword "drug recriminalization". [remove filter

Mexico's Fox balks at signing drug law editorial comment
04-May-2006, Mexico, CNN

Mexican President Vicente Fox backed off a bill that would have decriminalized possession of small amounts of drugs, sending it back to Congress for changes rather than signing it into law. The announcement late Wednesday came after U.S. ...

In Czech society, marijuana is part of the ... editorial comment
28-January-2006, Czech Republic, chron.com

The man with the dancing eyebrows and the blurry tattoo stands in the chilled night and opens the barred gate to his apartment. A dog sleeps on the bed; a snapping turtle floats inside a glass coffee table. A hot light glows in the bathroom, where ...

New drugs raising concern editorial comment
13-June-2005, United States, deseretnews.com

By Pat Reavy Deseret Morning News Abuse of the popular painkiller Oxycontin has caused problems for law enforcement and doctors for years. Now the rising popularity of two other drugs is causing added concern along the Wasatch Front. ...

Drug Tourists Could Be Barred from Dutch Coffee ... editorial comment
23-May-2005, Netherlands, Join Together

Marijuana-selling "coffee shops" in the Netherlands could become off-limits to visitors from other countries as the Dutch government looks for ways to curb so-called "drug tourism," Reuters reported May 20. "We are developing a system whereby ...

Drug Decrim Bill Introduced in Argentina -- Would ...
05-December-2003, Argentina, Drug Reform Coordination Network

Deputy Eduardo Garcia of the Socialist Party has introduced a bill in the Argentine Chamber of Deputies that would decriminalize the possession and personal use of both hard and soft drugs. The bill, which was introduced November 18, would also ...

Italy Marches Bravely into 20th Century: ...
05-December-2003, Italy, Drug Reform Coordination Network

Ten years ago this April, Italians voted to decriminalize simple drug possession. Now the rightist government of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi wants to undo that, and then some. A proposal floated by Deputy Prime Minister Giancarlo Fini, leader ...

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