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Southeast Asia: Drug User Group Demonstrates for ... editorial comment
09-August-2008, Indonesia, StoptheDrugWar.org

Indonesia's harsh drug laws have not succeeded in stopping illicit drug use in the Southeast Asian archipelago, and now some of the people those laws are aimed at are speaking out. On Monday, denizens of some of Jakarta's most notorious drug dealing ...

The Big Question: Is the 'war on drugs' really ... editorial comment
31-July-2008, United Kingdom, The Independent

By Michael Savage Why are we asking this now? Because if confirmation were needed that crackdowns on drug use in the UK were having little effect, it came in a report by the UK Drug Policy Commission (UKDPC), an independent group set up to ...

From Mexico, Drug Violence Spills Into U.S. editorial comment
20-April-2008, United States, The Washington Post

Javier Emilio Pérez Ortega, a workaholic Mexican police chief, showed up at the sleepy, two-lane border crossing here last month and asked U.S. authorities for political asylum. Behind him, law and order was vanishing fast. In the four months he ...

The Wire's War on the Drug War editorial comment
05-March-2008, United States, Time

We write a television show. Measured against more thoughtful and meaningful occupations, this is not the best seat from which to argue public policy or social justice. Still, those viewers who followed The Wire — our HBO drama that tried to portray ...

Mexico's Fox balks at signing drug law editorial comment
04-May-2006, Mexico, CNN

Mexican President Vicente Fox backed off a bill that would have decriminalized possession of small amounts of drugs, sending it back to Congress for changes rather than signing it into law. The announcement late Wednesday came after U.S. ...

Drug war dropout calls effort a ‘failure’ editorial comment
03-April-2006, United States, Lawrence Journal World

For more than 14 years, Jack Cole fought the war on drugs as a New Jersey state narcotics agent. Now, he’s had enough. “It’s not only a dismal failure, but a terribly destructive policy,” he said. Cole said he quit the narcotics force in ...

Letang says war on drugs has failed editorial comment
03-April-2006, United States, delawareonline

A veteran Republican prosecutor who retired Friday says he believes the war on drugs has been a failure and the millions spent to intercept drugs would better be used to hire a counselor for every single child in the state. "I really think I've ...

Brunstrom wants drug gangs action editorial comment
14-March-2006, United Kingdom, BBC News

The chief constable of North Wales Police has said the UK's policy of criminalising drugs has "caused an explosion in organised crime". Richard Brunstrom told BBC Wales' Week In Week Out that making certain drugs illegal has meant control and ...

ANOTHER VIEW: Drug war's futility, failure editorial comment
13-March-2006, United States, Daily Press

Border security seems to be in the news often these days. The focus usually is on the people coming into this country from Mexico and Central America. Little media attention is paid to drug-smuggling operations, so little attention is paid by the ...

Tougher drug laws only scratch the surface of the ... editorial comment
13-March-2006, Australia, Fairfax Digital

A police-led war on drugs might be easy politics but it is lazy and ineffective policy, writes Andrew Macintosh. A campaign is being waged by the federal and NSW governments to strengthen drug laws, particularly those concerning cannabis, in what ...

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