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Students Say Drug Use Is On The Rise In Schools editorial comment
22-August-2005, United States, MTV.com

Illegal substances have become nearly twice as prevalent in high schools in the last three years, according to a new study released Thursday. Sixty-two percent of high school and 28 percent of middle school students report that drugs are used, ...

Rocky calls war on drugs 'a disaster' editorial comment
20-August-2005, United States, The Salt Lake Tribune

The war on drugs has been an "absolute unmitigated failure - a disaster in this country." Strong words spoken by Salt Lake City's Mayor Rocky Anderson during a panel discussion Friday night at the Harm Reduction Conference. In the two ...

Mexico's Fox tells U.S. to help out in drug war editorial comment
17-August-2005, Mexico, Reuters AlerNet

Mexican President Vicente Fox told the United States on Tuesday to stop complaining about his government's record in the drug war and instead work with him in fighting powerful cocaine cartels. U.S. President George W. Bush's administration has ...

Against the drug war editorial comment
16-August-2005, United States, The Washington Times

There has always been a certain resistance on the right to the war on drugs. One of the most persuasive texts on that front came in 1972, when the National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse put forth a report entitled "Marihuana: A Signal of ...

'Sneak-and-Peak' Law Helps More Than War on ... editorial comment
15-August-2005, United States, FOXNews.com

Hidden cameras and microphones placed by federal agents in a house in Lynden, Wash., paid off recently when officials uncovered a plot to dig a drug tunnel from Canada to the United States. But because federal officials used a provision in the ...

Consumers caught in meth war crossfire editorial comment
14-August-2005, United States, The Oregonian

The latest insanity in the war on drugs comes to you from Georgia. As The New York Times reported, the feds arrested 49 convenience store clerks and owners -- essentially for selling legal cold and allergy pills. "Operation Meth Merchant" is the ...

Colombia weighs fresh tack in drug war editorial comment
11-August-2005, Colombia, The Christian Science Monitor

In a bid to further eliminate coca crops and cut off funding for armed rebels, President Alvaro Uribe has proposed that the government pay peasant farmers for their coca crops. Uribe made the bold and controversial offer late last month at a town ...

U.S. Threatens to Pull Venezuela Drug War ... editorial comment
11-August-2005, Venezuela, Venezualananalysis.com

By: Dan Feder - Narco News Bulletin United States “anti-drug” policy faces a major setback in Venezuela this week, and the drug warriors are loosening their ties as the heat rises. At the State Department’s press briefing yesterday, Deputy ...

Debunking the Drug War editorial comment
09-August-2005, United States, The New York Times

America has a serious drug problem, but it's not the "meth epidemic" getting so much publicity. It's the problem identified by William Bennett, the former national drug czar and gambler. "Using drugs," he wrote, "is wrong not simply because ...

Bush vows to sustain aid for Colombia drug war editorial comment
04-August-2005, Colombia, Reuters AlerNet

U.S. President George W. Bush pledged on Thursday to sustain funding for Colombia's fight against drugs and violence even as a senior State Department official said Washington would like to reduce its anti-narcotics aid. As a close partner in the ...

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