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COCAINE BUSTS editorial comment
15-October-2004, Singapore, straitstimes

THE Rolls-Royce driving executive arrested last week by narcotics officers has been identified as top financial broker Andrew Veale. The Briton, who has worked in Singapore for almost 10 years, was among 23 people hauled in when the Central ...

An end to marijuana prohibition
30-September-2004, United States, The Anchorage Press

Never before have so many Americans supported decriminalizing and even legalizing marijuana. Seventy-two percent say that for simple marijuana possession, people should not be incarcerated but fined: the generally accepted definition of ...

International AIDS Conference Puts Focus on Thai ...
09-July-2004, Thailand, Drug Reform Coordination Network

"They will be put behind bars or even vanish without a trace. Who cares? They are destroying our country." Interior Minister Wan Muhamad Nor Matha, referring to drug dealers, January 2003 "There is nothing under the sun which the Thai police ...

International Anti-Drugs Day Marked by Executions ...
02-July-2004, China, Drug Reform Coordination Network

Seventeen years ago, the United Nations General Assembly voted to observe June 26 as the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking (http://www.un.org/NewLinks/drugs/). The date marks the 1987 signing of the declaration adopted at ...

Federal Judge Whitman Knapp Dead at 95 -- Exposed ...
18-June-2004, United States, Drug Reform Coordination Network

US Senior District Court Judge Whitman Knapp died Monday at age 95 in Manhattan, where he resided. While Knapp is most widely known for leading a two-year investigation into New York City police corruption in the early 1970s, he also made a mark as ...

Philippine Travel Advisory
18-June-2004, Philippines, Drug Reform Coordination Network

With Filipino politicians competing with each other to come up with ever more severe measures to combat drug use and trafficking, the Philippines is deep in the throes of a full-blown anti-drug hysteria. Motivated primarily by an effort to stamp out ...

Hip-Hop Summit Announces Mass Rally Against Drug ...
14-May-2004, United States, Drug Reform Coordination Network

New York City is going to be a very busy place when the Republicans venture into potentially hostile territory for the national convention at the end of August. Numerous groups are already planning protests and demonstrations, and now hip-hop ...

Death Squad Killings Continue in Philippines, ...
20-August-2003, Philippines, Drug War Chronicle

The Philippines' bloody-minded war on drugs continues apace, the Filipino trade publication Business World reported last week. According to the journal, "summary killings involving shady characters are spreading all over the region" of Davao City, ...

This Is American History On Drugs editorial comment
25-February-2002, United States, Freezerbox

Viewers of the Super Bowl, and there were a lot of them, were probably surprised to learn they had been helping the terrorists win. Not all of the viewers, of course, just those who might have occasionally sparked a joint, or dropped some acid, or ...

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