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Street price of drugs crashes to record low editorial comment
28-November-2004, United Kingdom, The Independent

The average street price of illegal drugs is at the lowest level for a decade, according to new figures. The cost of a line of cocaine is now less than a glass of wine in some parts of Britain. A tablet of ecstasy costs as little as £1. The ...

War on drugs may doom jungle towns editorial comment
28-November-2004, Colombia, Houston Chronicle

Back when this jungle outpost was a drug-fueled boomtown ruled by Marxist rebels, cargo planes landed by the hour to unload rice, rum and chemicals to make cocaine. Cantinas and bordellos overflowed with customers. Instead of Colombian pesos, ...

Afghan opium farmers say crops spraying made them ... editorial comment
27-November-2004, Afghanistan, PakTribune

HAKIMABAD: Instead of the handful of people with skin diseases he usually deals with, Dr. Mohammed Rafi Safi says he has recently treated 30 Afghan farmers who allege their opium crops were sprayed with poison. The flood of patients in the past ...

Producers of meth in Ky. skirting stricter laws editorial comment
27-November-2004, United States, azcentral

Producers of methamphetamine in Kentucky are circumventing stricter laws regulating the drug's ingredients by traveling to states with looser laws to purchase the pills they need, police said. The state law passed in 2002 that made possession of ...

Q&A: the drugs bill editorial comment
26-November-2004, United Kingdom, Guardian Unlimited

Yesterday the government unveiled the details of its new drugs bill, claiming the new measures were a direct response to voters' concerns and built on reforms to rebalance the criminal justice system in favour of law-abiding citizens and victims of ...

Blair to detail drugs war strategy editorial comment
25-November-2004, United Kingdom, ePolitix.com

The prime minister is today set to make a keynote speech on the government's strategy for tackling drug abuse. It will coincide with the publication of new figures expected to show an increase in illegal drug use across Europe. Tony Blair's ...

A Prohibition-Style Crime Wave
23-November-2004, United States, Alternet

The more the government spends on the drug war, the more violent crime increases. One researcher says eliminating drug prohibition could reduce the homicide rate by up to 75 percent. The U.S. government spends $33 billion annually on the "war ...

Blunkett gets tougher on drugs
22-November-2004, United Kingdom, Guardian Unlimited

New police powers to prosecute offenders for possession if they test positive for drugs when they are arrested, even if the only drugs they have are in their bloodstream, are to be announced this week. The measure is part of legislation to be ...

Quietly, the war on drugs gains ground editorial comment
22-November-2004, Colombia, The Christian Science Monitor

BOGOTÁ, COLOMBIA – Before Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, or the war on terror, the US was waging another global battle: the war on drugs. The main front in that conflict was South America - and Colombia specifically, the origin of most of the ...

Mandatory time doesn't fit the crime editorial comment
21-October-2004, United States, Central Florida Future

In the game of Monopoly there is a space on the board that says "Go directly to jail." There is something very similar to this in the game of life, mandatory minimum sentences. Get busted trafficking drugs, go directly to jail. No complaints or ...

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