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 Result for the keyword "drug war". [remove filter

Afghan president says 'fight drugs like Russians' editorial comment
09-December-2004, Afghanistan, Reuters

Afghan President Hamid Karzai has urged his countrymen to tackle the war on drugs with the same zeal they fought the Red Army during the Soviet Union's decade-long occupation that ended in 1990. Speaking two days after being sworn in as the ...

Sanity is AWOL in war on drugs editorial comment
09-December-2004, United States, New York Daily News

The latest battle in the great War on Drugs showed up in the Supreme Court on Monday, with the feds arguing that if sick or dying people are allowed to use homegrown marijuana for their pain, the price on the streets will go down. In the logic of ...

Afghan anti-drugs drive 'will turn tide' of opium editorial comment
07-December-2004, Afghanistan, Financial Times

International efforts to combat Afghanistan's booming opium industry should begin to reduce output next year, a British minister with responsibility for counternarcotics said yesterday. Bill Rammell, Foreign Office minister, said a "robust" ...

Drug barons grow new line in cocaine editorial comment
07-December-2004, Colombia, Financial Times

Colombian police have identified a genetically modified and super-hardy coca "tree" that yields up to eight times more cocaine than a traditional shrub. The discovery, detailed in a counter-narcotics police intelligence dossier obtained by the ...

A Mania Called Horse editorial comment
06-December-2004, United States, Reason Online

In case you missed it, cheese is the new morphine. At least that’s what the head of the animal rights group (and oddly named) Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine reports. At a November Congressional hearing designed to stir up hysteria ...

Drugs Growing Problem in Britain, Despite Police ... editorial comment
06-December-2004, United Kingdom, Join Together

Although Customs officials and police in Britain have enforced tougher measures to catch drug traffickers and dealers, illegal drugs have become more widely available than ever before, the Independent reported Nov. 28. A new report from the ...

Sanity's AWOL in war on drugs
02-December-2004, United States, New York Daily News

The latest battle in the great War on Drugs showed up in the Supreme Court on Monday, with the feds arguing that if sick or dying people are allowed to use homegrown marijuana for their pain, the price on the streets will go down. In the logic of ...

New report suggests U.S. is losing the war on ... editorial comment
01-December-2004, United States, Detroit Free Press

Prices for cocaine and heroin have reached 20-year lows, according to a report released Tuesday. The Washington Office on Latin America, which usually is critical of U.S. policies in Latin America, said the low prices called into question the ...

Preserving the Power of Congress editorial comment
29-November-2004, United States, The New York Times

The Supreme Court is hearing arguments today in a case involving two important, but very different, legal issues: medical marijuana and federalism. Two California women have sued the federal government to stop it from prosecuting them for using ...

Cheaper, easier to get, harder to police: ... editorial comment
28-November-2004, United Kingdom, The Independent

An ecstasy tablet that costs as little as a bar of chocolate and a line of cocaine for the price of a glass of wine. Many illegal drugs are cheaper and more widely available than ever before in Britain, despite the relentless attack by Customs and ...

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