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Ibiza police losing war on drugs editorial comment
05-January-2005, Spain, BBC News

Spanish police are failing to stamp out the drug problem in the clubbers' resort of Ibiza because of a lack of resources, a BBC documentary can reveal. The programme Drugland, to be broadcast on BBC Two on Thursday night, reveals that the ...

GMA hails Duterte for all-out war vs drugs editorial comment
04-January-2005, Philippines, Philstar.com

President Arroyo hailed yesterday Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte for waging his own campaign against the illegal drugs trade and cited the killing "with extreme prejudice" of six suspects in the drug bust on New Year’s Eve in Davao City was part ...

Black Legislators: Drug War Has Failed editorial comment
02-January-2005, United States, Pacific news Service

Eyeing the failure of California voters to repeal Three Strikes laws, the National Black Caucus of State Legislators has approved a resolution condemning the "war on drugs" and calling for "alternatives to failed polices." Among their ...

The War On Drugs: One of America Greatest ...
01-January-2005, United States, OpEdNews.com

It is relatively easy to make claims that the United States government is waging war on its own people. It was claimed during Prohibition, the Vietnam War, and now the War on Terror. However, it is in most all instances a significantly more ...

Changing tactics in war on drugs editorial comment
27-December-2004, United States, The Daily News

A proposal by a state House member should give us all cause to take a hard look at America's war on drugs. The state legislator, Rep. Alice Bordsen, D-Alamance, is suggesting that non-violent youthful offenders who have committed felonies be ...

Driver drugs testing a 'fiasco' editorial comment
23-December-2004, Australia, The Age

State Opposition Leader Robert Doyle has labelled the Government's roadside drug testing regime a "fiasco", and has pinned the blame for the program's apparent failure on police minister Andre Haermeyer. Pressure is mounting on the Victorian ...

Legalize drugs for safer streets editorial comment
17-December-2004, United States, seattlepi.com

The recent reduction of the harsh mandatory sentencing once common to New York drug laws makes an interesting combination when thought of with the concept of legalized, taxable gambling. I say that because the real solution to the drug problem this ...

Police defend roadside drugs test editorial comment
15-December-2004, Australia, The Age

Victoria Police have denied its officers identified to the media the world's first driver alleged to have returned a positive roadside drug test. John De Jong, 39, says he is considering suing the police force after media reports on Monday ...

The ‘Drug War’ toll mounts editorial comment
13-December-2004, United States, The Eureka Reporter

In Washington, D.C., a 27-year-old quadriplegic is sentenced to 10 days in jail for marijuana possession, where he died under suspicious circumstances. In Florida, a wheelchair-bound multiple sclerosis patient now serves a 25-year prison sentence ...

Bill Charges Pregnant Women On Drugs During Birth
11-December-2004, United States, 14 WFIE

Intelligence in action. The mother in jail, and the child becoming the responsibility of the state. Nice thinking. Does this cover tobacco and alcohol too? Well, Indiana is a tobacco producer, so paraphernalia guesses not. Good work gentlemen!

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