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Liquid medical marijuana product approved in ... editorial comment
21-April-2005, Canada, Advocate.com

The Canadian government this week approved the prescription sale of a liquid marijuana extract to treat symptoms of multiple sclerosis, the Washington, D.C.-based Marijuana Policy Project reports. Sativex, produced by U.K. firm GW Pharmaceuticals, ...

Painkiller Warnings Rekindle Debate Over Medical ...
19-April-2005, United States, FOXNews.com

The months of recalls and warnings surrounding popular prescription painkillers have done more than frighten consumers, batter drug makers' bottom lines and raise questions about the procedures and criteria by which the Food and Drug Administration ...

Supreme Court to Hear Case of Dispute Over ... editorial comment
19-April-2005, United States, The New York Times

By LINDA GREENHOUSE Published: April 19, 2005 WASHINGTON, April 18 - The Supreme Court added an important new religion case to its docket on Monday, agreeing to decide whether the government can ban the importation of a hallucinogenic tea ...

Cops win small battle, but U.S. is blowing drug ... editorial comment
08-April-2005, United States, Chicago Sun Times

Tim Trevier is a big man with 15 titanium earrings, a diamond nose ring, a leather do-rag and a modified fu manchu. If you saw him on the street, you'd look twice, but it would never cross your mind that he is cop. At 42, he has been a police ...

And marijuana for all editorial comment
07-April-2005, Canada, Now

Moral panic over grow ops ignores fact that more of us puff than play hockey BY Alan Young I am becoming embarrassed by the endless pot debate in Canada. Deputy Prime Minister Anne McLellan recently stated that marijuana smokers are stupid (Was ...

China wages "people's war" against drugs editorial comment
05-April-2005, China, Xinhua

A senior secutiry official Monday vowed to launch a "people's war" against drugs, aiming at checking the sources of drugs, curbing the harmful influence of drug crimes and keeping the number of drug addicts from growing. "The nationwide ...

Report: Colombia drug war failing editorial comment
01-April-2005, Colombia, CNN

BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) -- A new White House report showed that a massive aerial spraying offensive last year failed to dent the area of coca under cultivation in Colombia. But President Alvaro Uribe vowed on Friday to press ahead with ...

US steps up war on Afghan opium editorial comment
26-March-2005, Afghanistan, Guardian Unlimited

The Pentagon, frustrated by the failure of the British-led battle against opium production in Afghanistan, plans to quadruple the spending on its anti-narcotics campaign, and deploy its troops in a full-scale war on the country's drug lords. "We ...

House rejects idea of taxing illegal drugs editorial comment
25-March-2005, United States, The Clarion-Ledger

A tax on illegal drugs? Mississippi lawmakers are scrounging for ways to put new money into the state budget before Saturday night. But the idea of requiring dealers to buy tax stamps for cocaine or other illegal drugs was just too much for some ...

Sizemore Sentenced for Drug-Related Charge editorial comment
24-March-2005, United States, ABC News

Actor Tom Sizemore was sentenced Thursday to 17 months in jail and four months in a drug treatment facility for repeatedly failing drug tests while on probation. Later in the day, he was sentenced in a separate felony methamphetamine case to ...

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