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Singapore finally finds a voice in death row ... editorial comment
08-May-2005, Singapore, The Observer

John Aglionby in Singapore Sunday May 8, 2005 The Observer The Canton meeting room at Singapore's drab Furama Hotel is an unlikely venue for history to be made. But on Friday night this bland setting hosted an unprecedented event for the ...

Attacking Judges, Not Drugs editorial comment
05-May-2005, United States, L.A. Times

One of every 138 U.S. residents is now serving time. Get-tough policies enacted in the 1980s and 1990s — like three-strikes laws in California and other states — have swelled the jail and prison inmate population to a record 2.1 million, according a ...

No rest here in war on drugs editorial comment
04-May-2005, United States, Wiscnews.com

By Mark Boxley The use and sale of drugs in Portage is on the rise and the dog leading the pack is crack cocaine. "We've seen a large increase in the usage and sales," Detective Dan Pionke of the Portage Police Department said. The ...

A New Plan for Colombia editorial comment
02-May-2005, Colombia, znet

Albert Einstein defined insanity as "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." If he were alive today, he would consider US policy toward Colombia insane. Last week, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice visited ...

Panelists decry 'war' on drugs editorial comment
27-April-2005, United States, The Brown Daily Herald

At Tuesday night's panel, "The International War on Drugs: Plan Colombia and Beyond," Peter Andreas, assistant professor of political science and international studies, admitted that he once inadvertently contributed to Bolivia's cocaine economy by ...

Marijuana: The Myths Are Killing Us editorial comment
26-April-2005, United States, DEA

When 14-year-old Irma Perez of Belmont, California, took a single ecstasy pill one evening last April, she had no idea she would become one of the 26,000 people who die every year from drugs.1 Irma took ecstasy with two of her 14-year-old friends in ...

Woman in Arab jail after taking prescription ... editorial comment
25-April-2005, United Arab Emirates, Telegraph

A campaign has been launched to free a British woman being held in a Middle East jail after prescription drugs were found in her system. Tracy Wilkinson, 44, has been in jail in the United Arab Emirates since March 5 when she was arrested at ...

U.S. Prison Population, World's Highest, Up Again editorial comment
24-April-2005, United States, Reuters

The U.S. penal system, the world's largest, maintained its steady growth in 2004, the Department of Justice reported on Sunday. The latest official half-yearly figures found the nation's prison and jail population at 2,131,180 in the middle of ...

End the war on drugs
23-April-2005, United Kingdom, Socialist Worker Online

There is a radical alternative to drugs prohibition, says Steve Rolles of think tank Transform, but the mainstream parties are ignoring it All three major parties have outlined policies on drugs in their general election manifestos—and all three ...

2 sentenced to death for peddling ecstasy editorial comment
21-April-2005, Philippines, The Philippines Star

Two women were meted the death penalty yesterday by the Mandaluyong City regional trial court (RTC) for selling ecstasy to agents of the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) three years ago. Judge Amelia Dy of the Mandaluyong RTC Branch 213 ...

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