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No rest here in war on drugs editorial comment
04-May-2005, United States, Wiscnews.com

By Mark Boxley The use and sale of drugs in Portage is on the rise and the dog leading the pack is crack cocaine. "We've seen a large increase in the usage and sales," Detective Dan Pionke of the Portage Police Department said. The ...

A New Plan for Colombia editorial comment
02-May-2005, Colombia, znet

Albert Einstein defined insanity as "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." If he were alive today, he would consider US policy toward Colombia insane. Last week, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice visited ...

Panelists decry 'war' on drugs editorial comment
27-April-2005, United States, The Brown Daily Herald

At Tuesday night's panel, "The International War on Drugs: Plan Colombia and Beyond," Peter Andreas, assistant professor of political science and international studies, admitted that he once inadvertently contributed to Bolivia's cocaine economy by ...

Students volunteer to stamp out drugs editorial comment
25-April-2005, China, Xinhuanet

BEIJING, April 25 -- Fudan University set up the city's first student social work team involved in preventing drug abuse yesterday. About 80 students have signed up to be part-time social workers with the Fudan Ziqiang Youth Volunteer Team, ...

End the war on drugs
23-April-2005, United Kingdom, Socialist Worker Online

There is a radical alternative to drugs prohibition, says Steve Rolles of think tank Transform, but the mainstream parties are ignoring it All three major parties have outlined policies on drugs in their general election manifestos—and all three ...

Painkiller Warnings Rekindle Debate Over Medical ...
19-April-2005, United States, FOXNews.com

The months of recalls and warnings surrounding popular prescription painkillers have done more than frighten consumers, batter drug makers' bottom lines and raise questions about the procedures and criteria by which the Food and Drug Administration ...

Supreme Court to Hear Case of Dispute Over ... editorial comment
19-April-2005, United States, The New York Times

By LINDA GREENHOUSE Published: April 19, 2005 WASHINGTON, April 18 - The Supreme Court added an important new religion case to its docket on Monday, agreeing to decide whether the government can ban the importation of a hallucinogenic tea ...

UN Drugs and Terrorism Conference Opens in ... editorial comment
18-April-2005, Thailand, Scotsman.com

Some 3,000 delegates from 150 countries convened in Bangkok today to devise ways to combat drug trafficking, corruption, transnational crime and terrorism. The eight-day United Nations conference brings together senior government officials, ...

Cops win small battle, but U.S. is blowing drug ... editorial comment
08-April-2005, United States, Chicago Sun Times

Tim Trevier is a big man with 15 titanium earrings, a diamond nose ring, a leather do-rag and a modified fu manchu. If you saw him on the street, you'd look twice, but it would never cross your mind that he is cop. At 42, he has been a police ...

And marijuana for all editorial comment
07-April-2005, Canada, Now

Moral panic over grow ops ignores fact that more of us puff than play hockey BY Alan Young I am becoming embarrassed by the endless pot debate in Canada. Deputy Prime Minister Anne McLellan recently stated that marijuana smokers are stupid (Was ...

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