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Dr. Ecstasy editorial comment
30-January-2005, United States, The New York Times

By DRAKE BENNETT Alexander Shulgin, Sasha to his friends, lives with his wife, Ann, 30 minutes inland from the San Francisco Bay on a hillside dotted with valley oak, Monterey pine and hallucinogenic cactus. At 79, he stoops a little, but he is ...

Official proposes agency to give drugs to addicts
30-January-2005, United States, Indianapolis Star

Crown Point -- A top Lake County officeholder is calling for a national agency that would give certified addicts the drugs they crave so they do not patronize dealers on the streets. Gerry Scheub, president of the Lake County Commissioners, said ...

Ireland drug abuse statistics shock editorial comment
27-January-2005, Ireland, Belfast Telegraph

Ilegal drug use in Ireland is among the highest in the world, shocking new figures reveal. The Republic has the highest rate of Ecstasy and amphetamine use in Europe and the second highest rate of cocaine abuse. The figures come from the ...

No changes for drogs dog use in SC editorial comment
27-January-2005, United States, WISTV

(Lexington) Jan. 25, 2005 - Lexington County Sheriff's investigator Derek Applegate and his partner Spyro, a two-year-old Belgian Malinois, were on the hunt for cocaine on Tuesday evening. In a new ruling, the US Supreme Court says during traffic ...

The great pot debate
27-January-2005, United States, The Stanford Daily

The line dividing recreational drugs and legitimate medical drug is growing increasingly blurry. Legal drugs can be abused, and illicit drugs can often be successfully used to treat medical conditions. Heroin, for example, was once sold by the ...

Gang Symposium Addresses Issues Of Drugs, Denial editorial comment
26-January-2005, United States, Town Topics

Gang violence in New Jersey, and Mercer County specifically, was addressed at a youth gang symposium on Friday, January 21, at Mercer County Community College, which was hosted by the New Jersey Juvenile Justice Commission (JJC). New information, ...

Governor Seeks Increased Penalties for Certain ... editorial comment
26-January-2005, United States, sitnews

Juneau, Alaska - Governor Frank H. Murkowski delivered to the legislature Friday two crime bills that would increase the consequences for drug-related crimes, including the manufacture of methamphetamines ("meth"), and the penalties for possession ...

Recipe Regulation editorial comment
26-January-2005, United States, BoiseWeekly

Lawmakers’ war on drugs targets cold medicines by carissa wolf Casey Wright races through another January night that blends into another day unpunctuated by the recommended seven to eight hours of sleep. The mom, the artist, the self-employed ...

Taking the crime out of drugs editorial comment
26-January-2005, China, China Daily

The community methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) programme is proving an effective therapy for keeping heroin addicts off illegal narcotics and reducing drug-related crime in East China's Zhejiang Province. So far, about 300 addicts in the ...

Ex-cop: Rein in the war on drugs editorial comment
18-January-2005, United States, PittsburghLIVE.com

Howard Wooldridge rode into town last weekend on his horse, just like a lawman from the Old West. But the former detective didn't visit Pittsburgh to lock up bad guys. He was here to lecture on what he feels is the biggest fraud ever perpetrated on ...

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