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China wages "people's war" against drugs editorial comment
05-April-2005, China, Xinhua

A senior secutiry official Monday vowed to launch a "people's war" against drugs, aiming at checking the sources of drugs, curbing the harmful influence of drug crimes and keeping the number of drug addicts from growing. "The nationwide ...

Ex-policeman gets five years in prison in fake ... editorial comment
04-April-2005, United States, KLTV 7

A jury today ordered five years in prison for an ex-Dallas policeman in the so-called fake drugs scandal. Jurors on March 31st convicted Mark De La Paz of lying to a judge in a search warrant application. De La Paz had faced punishment ranging ...

School Stands By Drugs Dog Decision editorial comment
04-April-2005, New Zealand, xtramsn

An Auckland intermediate school is standing by its decision to have random drug checks by sniffer dogs. North Shore's Birkdale Intermediate claims it does not have a problem with drugs but is just taking a precautionary measure. Principal ...

Teacher admits trying to buy drugs from student editorial comment
25-March-2005, United States, Newsday.com

CANANDAIGUA, N.Y. (AP) _ A substitute teacher admitted trying to buy marijuana from a student and could be sentenced to up to a year in jail. Todd Christensen, 34, of Penn Yan, pleaded guilty Wednesday to endangering the welfare of a child, a ...

City policeman explains the dangers of drugs editorial comment
17-March-2005, United States, Daily Courier.com

Neither priests nor teachers are more important to children than their parents, Connellsville Police Sgt. Mike Parlak told members of the Conn-Area Catholic School Parent-Teachers' Group during his presentation Tuesday on drug abuse and prevention. ...

Kirk: Drugs common at jail editorial comment
17-March-2005, United States, The Jackson Sun

By TAJUANA CHESHIER tcheshier@jacksonsun.com Mar 17 2005 Witness got pregnant while serving time at McNairy County Jail SELMER - Despite defense attorneys' efforts on Wednesday to have McNairy County Sheriff Tommy Riley and Jail ...

War on drugs entangles women editorial comment
17-March-2005, United States, Billings Gazette

America's war on drugs is inflicting deep and disproportionate harm on women - most of them mothers - who are filling prisons in ever-rising numbers despite their typically minor roles in drug rings, the American Civil Liberties Union and two other ...

Drugs failure overshadows Blair's crime manifesto editorial comment
11-March-2005, United Kingdom, Telegraph

The launch of Labour's crime manifesto was overshadowed yesterday by a report showing that a key government anti-drugs initiative is failing. The Commons public accounts committee said that only 28 per cent of offenders who received a drug ...

Cannabis reclassification: six months on: ... editorial comment
06-March-2005, United Kingdom, politics.co.uk

David Davis, the Conservatives shadow Home Secretary, said downgrading cannabis had been wrong and would be reversed by a Conservative government, as it made young people think the drug was harmless and made the streets more difficult to ...

Drugs workers form alliance to challenge UN’s ... editorial comment
06-March-2005, United Kingdom, The Sunday Herald

A LEADING Scottish drugs professional is to challenge the adoption of zero-tolerance drugs policies by the United Nations at an international drugs conference in Vienna this week. David Liddell, director of the Scottish Drugs Forum and chair of ...

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