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Blunkett gets tougher on drugs
22-November-2004, United Kingdom, Guardian Unlimited

New police powers to prosecute offenders for possession if they test positive for drugs when they are arrested, even if the only drugs they have are in their bloodstream, are to be announced this week. The measure is part of legislation to be ...

Former Interpol Chief Calls Prohibition "Obsolete ... editorial comment
29-October-2004, United States, DRC Net

In an op-ed piece Wednesday in the Paris newspaper Le Monde, Raymond Kendall, the former chief of the international law enforcement agency Interpol, called drug prohibition "obsolete and dangerous" and said its continuation represented a missed ...

California Initiative to Rein-In Three-Strikes ... editorial comment
22-October-2004, United States, DRC

Ten years ago, California voters frightened by violent crime and led by politicians who manipulated that fear voted to enact what is popularly known as the three-strikes-you're-out law. Under three-strikes, persons with two previous violent or ...

Drugs in a foreign talent pool editorial comment
19-October-2004, Singapore, Todayonline

The recent high profile drug bust in which several expatriate and local professionals were arrested for trafficking and possessing cocaine throws into sharp focus Singapore's tough but highly-effective anti-drug laws. It highlights Singapore's ...

Battling the war on drugs editorial comment
04-October-2004, United States, ESR

Colorado Sheriff Bill Masters is on a crusade. Of course, he does his job working to protect the citizens of his county and arresting the bad guys there. But his greatest passion is reserved for righting what he sees as a truly great wrong, and that ...

An end to marijuana prohibition
30-September-2004, United States, The Anchorage Press

Never before have so many Americans supported decriminalizing and even legalizing marijuana. Seventy-two percent say that for simple marijuana possession, people should not be incarcerated but fined: the generally accepted definition of ...

Counting the Costs of the Drug War
07-May-2004, United States, Alternet

The costs of the war in Iraq can be measured daily in deaths, injuries and decreasing support for U.S. policies. But how do you measure the costs of America's other war ?the war on drugs? Each year, the U.S. government spends more than $30 ...

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