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Smoked Out editorial comment
12-September-2005, United States, AlterNet

In a November 2002 letter to the nation's prosecutors, the White House's Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) didn't bother beating around the proverbial bush. "No drug matches the threat posed by marijuana," began the letter from Scott ...

Canadian faces death penalty in Taiwan for drug ... editorial comment
29-August-2005, Taiwan, CBC News

A former resident of British Columbia is in jail and facing the death penalty in Taiwan after being charged with smuggling and trafficking cocaine. 28-year-old Mathieu Forand was allegedly found with cocaine, ecstasy and marijuana at a party in ...

U.S war on drugs takes no prisoners editorial comment
29-August-2005, United States, The Republican

The federal government says it won't approve the use of marijuana as a prescription medicine because it hasn't seen any scientific evidence to prove that it has any health benefits. So what happened when Lyle Craker, a plant and soil sciences ...

Students Say Drug Use Is On The Rise In Schools editorial comment
22-August-2005, United States, MTV.com

Illegal substances have become nearly twice as prevalent in high schools in the last three years, according to a new study released Thursday. Sixty-two percent of high school and 28 percent of middle school students report that drugs are used, ...

Debunking the Drug War editorial comment
09-August-2005, United States, The New York Times

America has a serious drug problem, but it's not the "meth epidemic" getting so much publicity. It's the problem identified by William Bennett, the former national drug czar and gambler. "Using drugs," he wrote, "is wrong not simply because ...

Court slams door on Corby editorial comment
04-August-2005, Indonesia, Herald Sun

SCHAPELLE Corby was dealt a shattering blow when three Balinese judges shut down her reopened drugs trial yesterday and refused to grant lawyers more time to find new witnesses. Another judge also ruled out the possibility of Australian ...

Disagreement over Mexico's war on drugs editorial comment
30-July-2005, Mexico, L.A. Daily News

Mexico finally is fighting the war on drugs that the U.S. government has demanded for decades: a frontal assault on drug barons, their organizations and their merchandise, using the police and military in concert with U.S. intelligence. The ...

Bush's War on Pot editorial comment
28-July-2005, United States, RollingStone.com

America's long-running war on drugs has, literally, gone to pot. More than two decades after it was launched in response to the spread of crack cocaine -- and in the midst of a brand-new wave of methamphetamine use sweeping the country -- the ...

So, you call this a victory in the drug war? editorial comment
21-July-2005, United States, Inside Bay Area

WHEN I visited Richard Paey, it quickly became clear that he posed no menace to society in his new home here in Zephyrhills, Fla., a high-security state prison near Tampa, where he was serving a 25-year sentence. The fences, topped with ribbon wire, ...

Methamphetamine: The real drug war editorial comment
10-July-2005, United States, seattlepi.com

Washington state began facing up to its problems with methamphetamine in the 1990s. Part of the other Washington is still in denial. An awakening by the Bush administration is overdue. The drug problem that was once largely confined to the ...

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