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Skunk cannabis may be reclassified editorial comment
19-May-2005, United Kingdom, Guardian Unlimited

Drug experts will begin debating today whether stronger "skunk" varieties of cannabis should carry higher penalties for possession. The Advisory Council for the Misuse of Drugs, which meets in London, has been asked by the home secretary, ...

Marijuana policy just right editorial comment
17-May-2005, United States, USA Today

By John Walters Assertions that our nation's drug policy minimizes cocaine and heroin while focusing on marijuana are misleading. The fallacy involves interpreting drug arrests as signals of changed drug policy, rather than as indicators of drug ...

The War on Pot editorial comment
10-May-2005, United States, National Review

As the nation's "drug czar," John Walters is supposed to be saving us from the ravages of hard drugs like heroin and cocaine. At least that was the original sales pitch for the "war on drugs" in the 1980s. But the war has evolved into largely a ...

Painkiller Warnings Rekindle Debate Over Medical ...
19-April-2005, United States, FOXNews.com

The months of recalls and warnings surrounding popular prescription painkillers have done more than frighten consumers, batter drug makers' bottom lines and raise questions about the procedures and criteria by which the Food and Drug Administration ...

Report: Colombia drug war failing editorial comment
01-April-2005, Colombia, CNN

BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) -- A new White House report showed that a massive aerial spraying offensive last year failed to dent the area of coca under cultivation in Colombia. But President Alvaro Uribe vowed on Friday to press ahead with ...

House rejects idea of taxing illegal drugs editorial comment
25-March-2005, United States, The Clarion-Ledger

A tax on illegal drugs? Mississippi lawmakers are scrounging for ways to put new money into the state budget before Saturday night. But the idea of requiring dealers to buy tax stamps for cocaine or other illegal drugs was just too much for some ...

Drugs failure overshadows Blair's crime manifesto editorial comment
11-March-2005, United Kingdom, Telegraph

The launch of Labour's crime manifesto was overshadowed yesterday by a report showing that a key government anti-drugs initiative is failing. The Commons public accounts committee said that only 28 per cent of offenders who received a drug ...

State Senate OKs limits on cold medicine editorial comment
03-March-2005, United States, The Business Journal

The Minnesota Senate passed a bill Thursday limiting the sale of popular cold remedies that contain an ingredient found in the narcotic methamaphetamine. The legislation, sponsored by state Sen. Linda Berglin, DFL-Minneapolis, would only allow the ...

Washington state groups offer 'exit strategy' for ... editorial comment
03-March-2005, United States, seattlepi.com

A group of Washington doctors, religious leaders and lawyers offered an "exit strategy" for the war on drugs Thursday, a proposal that would aim to dry up the black market for heroin, marijuana and other substances by having the state regulate their ...

Who paid for the drugs? editorial comment
27-February-2005, United Kingdom, The Independent

They buy fair-trade coffee, recycle their papers and worry about the environment. Then they buy a gram of coke that leaves children's blood on their hands. Steve Bloomfield travels to Colombia to see the horrific cost of Britain's middle-class ...

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