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Where there's a way, drugs will be inside editorial comment
31-January-2005, New Zealand, stuff.co

Customs officers are facing a flood of cunning, dangerous and downright whacky drug-smuggling methods as drug imports rise to unprecedented levels. Haydon Dewes reports. Think of a cavity, any cavity – chances are traffickers have tried ...

Governor Seeks Increased Penalties for Certain ... editorial comment
26-January-2005, United States, sitnews

Juneau, Alaska - Governor Frank H. Murkowski delivered to the legislature Friday two crime bills that would increase the consequences for drug-related crimes, including the manufacture of methamphetamines ("meth"), and the penalties for possession ...

David Davis: Drugs Bill is all talk but no action editorial comment
18-January-2005, United Kingdom, Conservative Party

Speaking ahead of the Government's Drugs Bill which will be debated in Parliament today Shadow Home Secretary David Davis said: "This Bill is not a solution to many of the problems that this Government has itself created over the last 7 ...

Ex-cop: Rein in the war on drugs editorial comment
18-January-2005, United States, PittsburghLIVE.com

Howard Wooldridge rode into town last weekend on his horse, just like a lawman from the Old West. But the former detective didn't visit Pittsburgh to lock up bad guys. He was here to lecture on what he feels is the biggest fraud ever perpetrated on ...

War, drugs, and the war on drugs editorial comment
17-January-2005, Switzerland, International Relations and Security Network

With the belated realization that the war in Afghanistan has turned the country once again into a narco-state, Washington has announced an increase in aid to Afghanistan from US$130 to US$780 to combat the opium and heroin trade. But the US record ...

Black Legislators: Drug War Has Failed editorial comment
02-January-2005, United States, Pacific news Service

Eyeing the failure of California voters to repeal Three Strikes laws, the National Black Caucus of State Legislators has approved a resolution condemning the "war on drugs" and calling for "alternatives to failed polices." Among their ...

The War On Drugs: One of America Greatest ...
01-January-2005, United States, OpEdNews.com

It is relatively easy to make claims that the United States government is waging war on its own people. It was claimed during Prohibition, the Vietnam War, and now the War on Terror. However, it is in most all instances a significantly more ...

The ‘Drug War’ toll mounts editorial comment
13-December-2004, United States, The Eureka Reporter

In Washington, D.C., a 27-year-old quadriplegic is sentenced to 10 days in jail for marijuana possession, where he died under suspicious circumstances. In Florida, a wheelchair-bound multiple sclerosis patient now serves a 25-year prison sentence ...

A war on drugs or a war on tradition?
12-December-2004, Taiwan, Taipei Times

Opium has always been associated, for better or worse, with China. And almost invariably it's been for the worse. The myth, in both the Christian West and the communist East, has been that this pernicious substance was brought to the Celestial ...

A Prohibition-Style Crime Wave
23-November-2004, United States, Alternet

The more the government spends on the drug war, the more violent crime increases. One researcher says eliminating drug prohibition could reduce the homicide rate by up to 75 percent. The U.S. government spends $33 billion annually on the "war ...

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