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Musings About the Drug War editorial comment
26-February-2006, United States, The Wall Street Journal

BY GEORGE MELLOAN Sunday, February 26, 2006 12:01 a.m. EST Economist Milton Friedman predicted in Newsweek nearly 34 years ago that Richard Nixon's ambitious "global war against drugs" would be a failure. Much evidence today suggests that he ...

War on drugs - is it really 'right'? editorial comment
12-February-2006, United States, newsday

What's so conservative about the war on drugs? Spending billions in taxpayer dollars with no clear progress? Inserting government agents into Americans' private lives? Holding a million men and women in prison for what are mostly nonviolent ...

Drug Database: Prescription for Trouble editorial comment
08-February-2006, United States, The Cato Institute

"The White House Wednesday will announce a national anti-drug strategy that includes prodding more states to set up databases that can track people who get multiple prescriptions of frequently abused prescription drugs such as OxyContin and ...

2005: The Farce of Freedom? editorial comment
13-January-2006, United States, The Cato Institute

A favorite standby of pundits and columnists is to predict what developments will transpire over the next 12 months. I've decided to take the reductio ad absurdum approach, and predict what might happen in 2006 should the most disturbing trends of ...

The Latest on Cory Maye editorial comment
18-December-2005, United States, Hammer of truth

For those of you who are new to the story, Cory Maye is a prisoner on death row in the U.S. state of Mississippi. He was convicted of murder in the death of Prentiss police officer Ron W. Jones, during a drug raid in 2001. Maye pleaded not guilty at ...

Meth addicts' other habit: Online theft editorial comment
16-December-2005, United States, USA Today

Hot on the trail of identity thieves, veteran Edmonton Police Service detectives Al Vonkeman and Bob Gauthier last winter hustled to a local motel, a cinder-block establishment where rooms rent by the hour. Twice before police had descended on ...

'Legalising drugs would halve prisoner numbers' editorial comment
15-December-2005, United Kingdom, icBerkshire

READING probation officer Bob Turney says it is time to stop pouring billions of pounds into a never-ending war against drugs and open a hysteria-free debate about legalisation. His job offers him an insight into the criminal underworld because ...

Lawmen vs. the drug warriors editorial comment
15-December-2005, United States, Arkansas Times

For months, full-page advertisements challenging government policy toward pain management doctors have been appearing in national magazines. “The government is waging an aggressive, intemperate, unjustified war on pain doctors,” the headline on ...

Restrictions on Meth Ingredients Are Sought editorial comment
15-December-2005, United States, The New York Times

A bipartisan group of lawmakers announced an agreement on Wednesday to restrict the sales of cold medicines that can be used to manufacture the illegal and highly addictive drug methamphetamine. Under the proposal, Sudafed and similar medicines ...

There's no room for tolerance in the war against ... editorial comment
14-December-2005, United Kingdom, Yorkshire Today

Raymond Curry is a former chairman of Leeds magistrates. THE specialist drugs courts being tested in Leeds and London are billed as the latest initiative aimed at reducing drug abuse and related crime, even though drug treatment and testing ...

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