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A New Kind of Drug War editorial comment
28-February-2005, United States, Business Week

The conventional one has been highly costly, with little return. Making narcotics legal -- and very expensive -- can reduce addiction and crime Starting with Richard Nixon, every U.S. President has declared war on drugs. The FBI, CIA, DEA, ...

Who paid for the drugs? editorial comment
27-February-2005, United Kingdom, The Independent

They buy fair-trade coffee, recycle their papers and worry about the environment. Then they buy a gram of coke that leaves children's blood on their hands. Steve Bloomfield travels to Colombia to see the horrific cost of Britain's middle-class ...

Drugs in Canada editorial comment
10-February-2005, Canada, The Economist

LITTLE by little, Canada is groping towards a distinctive approach to drugs, one that focuses on harm reduction rather than the repression favoured by the United States. The federal government is mulling over a bill to decriminalise possession of ...

Ireland drug abuse statistics shock editorial comment
27-January-2005, Ireland, Belfast Telegraph

Ilegal drug use in Ireland is among the highest in the world, shocking new figures reveal. The Republic has the highest rate of Ecstasy and amphetamine use in Europe and the second highest rate of cocaine abuse. The figures come from the ...

War, drugs, and the war on drugs editorial comment
17-January-2005, Switzerland, International Relations and Security Network

With the belated realization that the war in Afghanistan has turned the country once again into a narco-state, Washington has announced an increase in aid to Afghanistan from US$130 to US$780 to combat the opium and heroin trade. But the US record ...

Changing tactics in war on drugs editorial comment
27-December-2004, United States, The Daily News

A proposal by a state House member should give us all cause to take a hard look at America's war on drugs. The state legislator, Rep. Alice Bordsen, D-Alamance, is suggesting that non-violent youthful offenders who have committed felonies be ...

Legalize drugs for safer streets editorial comment
17-December-2004, United States, seattlepi.com

The recent reduction of the harsh mandatory sentencing once common to New York drug laws makes an interesting combination when thought of with the concept of legalized, taxable gambling. I say that because the real solution to the drug problem this ...

The ‘Drug War’ toll mounts editorial comment
13-December-2004, United States, The Eureka Reporter

In Washington, D.C., a 27-year-old quadriplegic is sentenced to 10 days in jail for marijuana possession, where he died under suspicious circumstances. In Florida, a wheelchair-bound multiple sclerosis patient now serves a 25-year prison sentence ...

Drug barons grow new line in cocaine editorial comment
07-December-2004, Colombia, Financial Times

Colombian police have identified a genetically modified and super-hardy coca "tree" that yields up to eight times more cocaine than a traditional shrub. The discovery, detailed in a counter-narcotics police intelligence dossier obtained by the ...

Drugs Growing Problem in Britain, Despite Police ... editorial comment
06-December-2004, United Kingdom, Join Together

Although Customs officials and police in Britain have enforced tougher measures to catch drug traffickers and dealers, illegal drugs have become more widely available than ever before, the Independent reported Nov. 28. A new report from the ...

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