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Profits from selling cocaine make it a lucrative ... editorial comment
31-May-2005, United States, Winona Daily News

By David Krotz / Winona Daily News The profits from cocaine are so great that drug dealers have been known to use two and four-engine airplanes on one-way flights into the United States, abandoning the planes once delivery is made. The ...

Signs of drug-war shift editorial comment
27-May-2005, United States, The Christian Science Monitor

Evidence is beginning to build that the approach to the war on drugs in the United States could be changing - by shifting attention away from small-time drug dealers and individual users toward major drug traffickers. The nation's drug czar, for ...

Working classes turned on to hard drugs by cheap ... editorial comment
27-May-2005, United Kingdom, Times Online

A HUGE increase in cocaine use was cited yesterday for the number of people on hard drugs in England and Wales rising to a record one million. More than half a million people are now using Class A drugs every month and the number of young people ...

America's drugs plan in tatters as cocaine and ... editorial comment
15-May-2005, United States, The Independent

Washington's "war on drugs" in Colombia is collapsing in chaos and corruption, and the drug producers are winning. The so-called Plan Colombia, which has cost the US more than $3bn (£1.6bn) in the past five years, is being abandoned, Secretary of ...

Officials: War on drugs simply not working editorial comment
15-May-2005, United States, The Herald Zeitung

Comal County’s district attorney and one of its district judges agreed this past week that the United States government’s “war on drugs” — and its judicial system — just aren’t working when it comes to stopping abuse of alcohol and illegal ...

U.N.: Iraq becoming transit point for drugs editorial comment
12-May-2005, Iraq, MSNBC

A U.N. drug body warned Thursday that Iraq is emerging as a transit point for drugs, with traffickers working with insurgents and terrorists, and called on the international community to tackle the problem before it’s too late. Drug traffickers ...

Baggage handlers 'paid $300,000' in drug plot editorial comment
11-May-2005, Australia, Sidney Morning Herald

Qantas baggage handlers were paid $300,000 to smuggle a briefcase of cocaine through Sydney airport, a court was told today. The allegation was set out in court documents tendered during a bail hearing for Ian Robert Chalmers, 40, charged over an ...

The War on Pot editorial comment
10-May-2005, United States, National Review

As the nation's "drug czar," John Walters is supposed to be saving us from the ravages of hard drugs like heroin and cocaine. At least that was the original sales pitch for the "war on drugs" in the 1980s. But the war has evolved into largely a ...

Inside the war on drugs editorial comment
08-May-2005, United States, Pittsburgh Tribune Review

If a mere 10 percent of Don Winslow's new novel, "The Power of the Dog," were true, it would be horrifying. "I would flip that ratio," Winslow says. That 90 percent could be true is nearly unfathomable. "The Power of the Dog" chronicles the ...

A New Plan for Colombia editorial comment
02-May-2005, Colombia, znet

Albert Einstein defined insanity as "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." If he were alive today, he would consider US policy toward Colombia insane. Last week, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice visited ...

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