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If anyone is winning the drugs war, it is not the ... editorial comment
06-March-2006, United Kingdom, scotsman

FIGURES just released which show a sharp decrease in the number of Edinburgh youngsters being treated for drug addiction could be taken as a sign that the battle against drugs is being won. Sadly most evidence points to the contrary. If anyone ...

Musings About the Drug War editorial comment
26-February-2006, United States, The Wall Street Journal

BY GEORGE MELLOAN Sunday, February 26, 2006 12:01 a.m. EST Economist Milton Friedman predicted in Newsweek nearly 34 years ago that Richard Nixon's ambitious "global war against drugs" would be a failure. Much evidence today suggests that he ...

War on drugs - is it really 'right'? editorial comment
12-February-2006, United States, newsday

What's so conservative about the war on drugs? Spending billions in taxpayer dollars with no clear progress? Inserting government agents into Americans' private lives? Holding a million men and women in prison for what are mostly nonviolent ...

Your tax dollars on drugs editorial comment
12-February-2006, United States, San Francisco Chronicle

IF YOU want to understand how difficult it is to cut the federal deficit -- it will surpass $400 billion in the 2007 budget -- take a look at the Byrne grants. Named after New York City police officer Edward Byrne, who was killed by drug dealers, ...

Critics say U.S. war on drugs in Colombia failing editorial comment
02-February-2006, Colombia, Chicago Tribune

Six years after the U.S. initiated an anti-narcotics program in Colombia, American policymakers and experts are at odds over whether the effort has significantly reduced the supply of cocaine reaching U.S. shores. Since 2000, the U.S. has poured ...

An overdose of targets - except on drugs editorial comment
31-January-2006, Afghanistan, The Times

THE plan to rebuild Afghanistan, which will be revealed at today’s meeting in London, contains a formidable list of targets for the country. The timing is good, at least. The conference of 30 countries will pull together international attention ...

Potent Mexican Meth Floods In as States Curb ... editorial comment
23-January-2006, United States, GoUpstate.com

In the seven months since Iowa passed a law restricting the sale of cold medicines used to make methamphetamine, seizures of homemade methamphetamine laboratories have dropped to just 20 a month from 120. People once terrified about the neighbor's ...

Bolivia Elects a President Who Supports Coca ... editorial comment
19-December-2005, Bolivia, The New York Times

Evo Morales, a candidate for president who has pledged to reverse a campaign financed by the United States to wipe out coca growing, scored a decisive victory in general elections in Bolivia on Sunday. Evo Morales, 46, a former coca farmer, was ...

'Legalising drugs would halve prisoner numbers' editorial comment
15-December-2005, United Kingdom, icBerkshire

READING probation officer Bob Turney says it is time to stop pouring billions of pounds into a never-ending war against drugs and open a hysteria-free debate about legalisation. His job offers him an insight into the criminal underworld because ...

Wishing Drug-Warrior Thinking editorial comment
01-December-2005, United States, The National Review

you had received a dollar every time a U.S. government official announced that victory was near at hand in the war on drugs, you would be a rich person. The latest "turning point" proclamation came on November 16 when the White House Office of ...

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