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The war on Colombia's cocaine industry editorial comment
18-October-2005, Colombia, BBC News

Plan Colombia - the $3bn (£1.7bn) US effort to hit cocaine at its source - has become embroiled in the country's 40-year armed conflict. The BBC's Paul Kenyon travels with the Junglas, an elite anti-narcotics unit, as they comb the Colombian ...

Toking Diplomacy editorial comment
14-October-2005, United States, Mother Jones

If you were the guy everyone called the prince of pot and the U.S. drug czar came to town rattling his saber, you’d probably have the sense to stay out of his way. At the very least, you wouldn’t go out of your way to antagonize him, let alone pay ...

A surgeon’s plan for legalized drugs editorial comment
13-October-2005, United States, phillyBurbs.com

Amid the flurry of voices on the phone cheering a column about an ex-cop advocating drug legalization was that of Dr. Joseph Foreman. Dr. Foreman isn't a crank. When he told me that heroin, cocaine and meth should be legalized, I ...

Tories let Cameron off the hook over drugs ... editorial comment
13-October-2005, United Kingdom, Telegraph

David Cameron emerged unscathed from the first round of leadership hustings with Conservative MPs last night after Right-wingers backed away from putting him on the spot over whether he took drugs as a student. His supporters had feared an ...

Denied for drugs editorial comment
12-October-2005, United States, The Daily Vanguard

Over 41,000 potential students were denied federal financial aid during the 2003-04 academic year because they either reported a drug conviction or refused to answer a question about drug convictions on their federal financial aid application, ...

The Failed Drug War editorial comment
07-October-2005, United States, BellaOnline

The war on drugs is a war on people. The laws for controlled substances are completely uncontrolled street drugs that are often bulked up with non-drugs to add weight to increase price. Punishment for possession or sale of drugs has filled our ...

Vets Against the (Drug) War editorial comment
28-September-2005, United States, Forth Worth Weekly

Howard Woolridge is outside of Utica, N.Y., heading east on horseback on a beautiful late summer day. He’s wearing a t-shirt with the slogan “Cops Say Legalize Drugs. Ask Me Why.” For the last 3,000 miles, he’s been switching off between his two ...

Women pay a price in war on Afghan drug trade editorial comment
28-September-2005, Afghanistan, boston.com

In the thirsty hills of Nangarhar province, debt is a way of life. Every autumn, sharecroppers take loans from drug traffickers to plant their poppy crops. After every harvest, they repay them in poppies, which are eventually turned into heroin. ...

War on Drugs Impedes New Beginning for Some ... editorial comment
27-September-2005, United States, Drug Policy Alliance

In the days and weeks following Hurricane Katrina (and the more recent Hurricane Rita), the media has reported on the abuse of human rights of mostly poor and black people. But what has been discussed far less is the government’s response to another ...

Former drugs chief slams Moss case editorial comment
24-September-2005, United Kingdom, DeHavilland

Britain's former drugs tsar has criticised the country's most senior policeman for investigating allegations that supermodel Kate Moss used cocaine. Metropolitan police commissioner Sir Ian Blair said that a decision about whether to charge Ms ...

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