07-February-2006, United Kingdom, The Mirror
LABOUR was yesterday accused of losing the drugs war after new figures showed around 1,300 people a year were dying from overdoses.
Statistics reveal just under 13,000 people were killed by "drug-related poisoning involving illegal substances" in ...
Critics say U.S. war on drugs in Colombia failing
02-February-2006, Colombia, Chicago Tribune
Six years after the U.S. initiated an anti-narcotics program in Colombia, American policymakers and experts are at odds over whether the effort has significantly reduced the supply of cocaine reaching U.S. shores.
Since 2000, the U.S. has poured ...
Narcs nab drug-smuggling puppies
01-February-2006, United States, CNN
A two-year investigation into a Colombian heroin ring netted more than 65 pounds of drugs, resulted in the arrests of more than 20 people and saved the lives of some drug-smuggling Labrador retrievers, the Drug Enforcement Agency said Wednesday. ...
An overdose of targets - except on drugs
31-January-2006, Afghanistan, The Times
THE plan to rebuild Afghanistan, which will be revealed at today’s meeting in London, contains a formidable list of targets for the country.
The timing is good, at least. The conference of 30 countries will pull together international attention ...
In Czech society, marijuana is part of the ...
28-January-2006, Czech Republic, chron.com
The man with the dancing eyebrows and the blurry tattoo stands in the chilled night and opens the barred gate to his apartment. A dog sleeps on the bed; a snapping turtle floats inside a glass coffee table. A hot light glows in the bathroom, where ...
Changing the Drug War Debate
26-January-2006, Bolivia, AlterNet
When Evo Morales took the office of president of Bolivia on Sunday, it was notable not only as the end of a "Bolivian-style apartheid" but also for making Morales the world's No. 1 spokesman for the coca plant.
Morales, himself a former coca ...
Border drug war backfiring
23-January-2006, United States, DailyBulletin.com
A report outlining hundreds of incursions into the United States by Mexican armed forces over the past 10 years supports what many officials have known for a long time: The corruption once thought endemic only to Mexico's police forces has spread to ...
Potent Mexican Meth Floods In as States Curb ...
23-January-2006, United States, GoUpstate.com
In the seven months since Iowa passed a law restricting the sale of cold medicines used to make methamphetamine, seizures of homemade methamphetamine laboratories have dropped to just 20 a month from 120. People once terrified about the neighbor's ...
Colombia suspends anti-drug fumigation
17-January-2006, Colombia, United Press International
Despite U.S. efforts to eradicate cocaine production in Latin America, Colombia is suspending aerial fumigation along its border with Ecuador.
The decision will concern the Bush administration, which has used Colombia as its primary state in its ...
2005: The Farce of Freedom?
13-January-2006, United States, The Cato Institute
A favorite standby of pundits and columnists is to predict what developments will transpire over the next 12 months. I've decided to take the reductio ad absurdum approach, and predict what might happen in 2006 should the most disturbing trends of ...
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