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Bolivia Elects a President Who Supports Coca ... editorial comment
19-December-2005, Bolivia, The New York Times

Evo Morales, a candidate for president who has pledged to reverse a campaign financed by the United States to wipe out coca growing, scored a decisive victory in general elections in Bolivia on Sunday. Evo Morales, 46, a former coca farmer, was ...

Bolivia challenges US war on drugs editorial comment
17-December-2005, Bolivia, Telegraph

A strident left-wing critic of the United States is the favourite to become Bolivia's new president, a result that would send tremors through Washington and delight through an increasingly radical South America. Evo Morales, who started life ...

'Legalising drugs would halve prisoner numbers' editorial comment
15-December-2005, United Kingdom, icBerkshire

READING probation officer Bob Turney says it is time to stop pouring billions of pounds into a never-ending war against drugs and open a hysteria-free debate about legalisation. His job offers him an insight into the criminal underworld because ...

Lawmen vs. the drug warriors editorial comment
15-December-2005, United States, Arkansas Times

For months, full-page advertisements challenging government policy toward pain management doctors have been appearing in national magazines. “The government is waging an aggressive, intemperate, unjustified war on pain doctors,” the headline on ...

There's no room for tolerance in the war against ... editorial comment
14-December-2005, United Kingdom, Yorkshire Today

Raymond Curry is a former chairman of Leeds magistrates. THE specialist drugs courts being tested in Leeds and London are billed as the latest initiative aimed at reducing drug abuse and related crime, even though drug treatment and testing ...

Time to confront the truth about another U.S. war editorial comment
14-December-2005, United States, Baltimore Sun

A few weeks ago, the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy was ballyhooing statistics showing that the price of cocaine on the streets of America was up 19 percent to $170 a gram and the quality was down 15 percent. This was supposed ...

Drugs policy changes threaten “social” suppliers editorial comment
07-December-2005, United Kingdom, Young People Now

Young drug users could be accused of more serious offences under Government plans to standardise charges, a leading drugs charity has warned. At present cases are dealt with individually, but the Home Office has written to stakeholders asking for ...

War on Drugs Hits New Low editorial comment
07-December-2005, United States, San Francisco Independent Media Center

The federal war on medi-pot patients hit a new low last month when Royal Canadian Mounted Police nabbed 38-year-old Steven W. Tuck from his Vancouver, B.C., hospital bed, whisked him to the border, and relinquished him to the custody of U.S. ...

Wishing Drug-Warrior Thinking editorial comment
01-December-2005, United States, The National Review

you had received a dollar every time a U.S. government official announced that victory was near at hand in the war on drugs, you would be a rich person. The latest "turning point" proclamation came on November 16 when the White House Office of ...

War on drugs hits new low editorial comment
25-November-2005, United States, The Austin Chronicle

The federal war on medi-pot patients hit a new low last month when Royal Canadian Mounted Police nabbed 38-year-old Steven W. Tuck from his Vancouver, B.C., hospital bed, whisked him to the border, and relinquished him to the custody of U.S. ...

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