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Observer: Cocaine now cheaper than a cappuccino editorial comment
09-January-2005, United Kingdom, Hard Dance London

A news report from the Observer claims the failure of the government's policy to stem drug imports is revealed today by research which shows that Britain is awash with cheap drugs, with a line of cocaine now costing less than a cappuccino. The ...

Ex-banker jailed for drugs editorial comment
26-December-2004, Singapore, News24.com

A former British banker was jailed for 12 months in Singapore after admitting he consumed cocaine, according to weekend media reports. Andrew William Veale, 40, was among 14 people charged after police busted an elite cocaine and party-drug ring ...

Williams says drugs made him fat editorial comment
23-December-2004, United Kingdom, The New Zealand Herald

Robbie Williams says he would still be taking drugs if they did not make him fat. The singer said his years of cocaine, ecstasy and alcohol addiction had given him some of the best times in his life. Williams, 30, is currently clean after a ...

Elton's memories of 'snow' editorial comment
21-December-2004, Ireland, Ireland On-Line

Elton John says that when he sees snow-covered Alpine mountains it reminds him of his wilder drug-fuelled days as a young musician. He explains that the word snow is often used as a synonym for cocaine and so when he flies over the snow covered ...

Racism, drugs and violence hit soccer as stars ... editorial comment
20-December-2004, Pakistan, Daily Times

Greece and FC Porto made it a great year for underdogs. Never having won a game in a major championship, Greece overcame 100-1 odds to win the Euro 2004 title. And 50-1 outsider Porto not Real Madrid or AC Milan won the Champions League. The ...

Drug barons grow new line in cocaine editorial comment
07-December-2004, Colombia, Financial Times

Colombian police have identified a genetically modified and super-hardy coca "tree" that yields up to eight times more cocaine than a traditional shrub. The discovery, detailed in a counter-narcotics police intelligence dossier obtained by the ...

War on drugs may doom jungle towns editorial comment
28-November-2004, Colombia, Houston Chronicle

Back when this jungle outpost was a drug-fueled boomtown ruled by Marxist rebels, cargo planes landed by the hour to unload rice, rum and chemicals to make cocaine. Cantinas and bordellos overflowed with customers. Instead of Colombian pesos, ...

Afghanistan's Drugs editorial comment
27-November-2004, Afghanistan, washingtonpost.com

PRESIDENT BUSH visited Colombia on Monday to celebrate that nation's progress in the war on drugs. With the help of U.S. money and military equipment, the Colombians have attacked traffickers, extradited dozens of their leaders and fumigated ...

High-flyers like their cocaine on the quiet editorial comment
27-November-2004, Australia, Sidney Morning Herald

Cocaine may be the preferred drug of lawyers, bankers and IT professionals, but it seems many of these high-flyers have very low levels of drug use, researchers have found. The high-income earners, mostly male and at least 10 years older than the ...

Higuita tests positive for cocaine editorial comment
24-November-2004, Colombia, rediff.com

Colombia's eccentric former national goalkeeper Rene Higuita tested positive for cocaine for the second time in two years and has been sacked by his club Aucus, the Ecuadorean Football Federation said. "In a match in October between Aucas and ...

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