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Dutch Slurping Coffee Ad Raises Eyebrows
10-August-2004, Netherlands, WTOPNEWS.com

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands (AP) - The Netherlands is famed for its tolerant attitude toward drugs, but some Dutch say a commercial for a new iced cappuccino drink glorifies cocaine use and has gone too far. The commercial features three young women ...

Drug Czar Sees Little Colombia Cocaine Ebb
05-August-2004, United States, Associated Press

SANTA MARTA, Colombia - After flying over blackened coca fields, White House drug czar John Walters conceded that seizing cocaine, destroying coca crops and locking up drug traffickers in Colombia have had little impact on the flow of cocaine on ...

Supermodel Busted For Coke
14-July-2004, United States, Daily News

Hot young mannequin and Tribeca tenant Ingrid Parewijck is the new face of a sexy men's cologne, but her latest pose is for a mug shot after being busted at JFK with three bags of cocaine. She's the new face of a sexy French cologne, but that ...

Jury Finds No Guilt in Shipped Cocaine
16-June-2004, United States, St. Petersburg Times

TAMPA - The federal government took a hit Tuesday in its ongoing efforts against overseas drug smuggling. After a six-week trial involving 16 people from Lithuania and Ukraine accused of smuggling drugs, jurors deliberated for three days and ...

Swiss Doctors Want Prescription Cocaine
11-June-2004, Switzerland, Drug Reform Coordination Network

A little more than a decade ago, Switzerland embarked on what is by all accounts a successful program of prescribing heroin to addicts. Now, some doctors are calling for that program to be expanded to include prescribing cocaine as well, the Swiss ...

Newsbrief: Peruvian Drink Boasts Coca Kick
16-April-2004, Afghanistan, Drug Reform Coordination Network

When Peruvian coca growers gathered in Lima in February to protest US-inspired attacks on their crops, one of their demands was that the Peruvian government help find legal markets for their coca crops. The government may not have been responsive, ...

George Clinton Arrested on Drug Charge
08-December-2003, United States, Associated Press

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. - Funk music pioneer George Clinton was arrested and charged with drug possession after allegedly telling an officer he had cocaine in his pocket. Clinton, of Tallahassee, was arrested Saturday and bonded out of jail over the ...

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