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Lindsay admits taking drugs editorial comment
03-March-2005, United Kingdom, ThisisLondon

Teenage star Lindsay Lohan has admitted taking drugs - while also lashing out at her troubled father. The 18-year-old US actress said she 'experimented' with marijuana because her cocaine-addict father, who is suing for a share of her earnings, ...

Who paid for the drugs? editorial comment
27-February-2005, United Kingdom, The Independent

They buy fair-trade coffee, recycle their papers and worry about the environment. Then they buy a gram of coke that leaves children's blood on their hands. Steve Bloomfield travels to Colombia to see the horrific cost of Britain's middle-class ...

Naomi Campbell Says No to Drugs editorial comment
23-February-2005, United Kingdom, Fashion Gates

British supermodel Naomi Campbell confessed she first tried cocaine ten years ago when she was 24. Now the catwalk beauty is sure she won’t ever do drugs again. Naomi revealed all the scary details of her successfully treated addiction in her ...

Drugs, coffee at WorldCom editorial comment
08-February-2005, United States, New York Daily News

BY ROBERT GEARTY DAILY NEWS STAFF WRITER WorldCom lightning rod and former finance chief Scott Sullivan said former CEO Bernie Ebbers (below), who's on trial for fraud, helped him cook books that led to firm's bankruptcy. The chief ...

Is your teenager on drugs? editorial comment
08-February-2005, United States, Eufaula Tribune

Ignorance can be deadly when it comes to teen drug use. That's the message law enforcement officials will share next week during a drug awareness workshop planned for parents and teenagers. Operation Save Teens will be held at the Eufaula ...

Psych drugs trick rats out of cocaine addiction editorial comment
07-February-2005, United States, ABC News

By Sophie Scott Rats have been successfully cured of cocaine addictions without any withdrawal symptoms through a treatment Melbourne scientists hope will work in humans. Cocaine boosts the levels of dopamines or feel-good hormones, in the ...

Crackdown on dinner party drugs editorial comment
02-February-2005, United Kingdom, Guardian Unlimited

The new head of Scotland Yard took a swipe at London's white collar and celebrity drug culture yesterday by threatening to arrest weekend consumers of cocaine at dinner parties and in clubs and bars. Sir Ian Blair, who took over as the UK's most ...

War, drugs, and the war on drugs editorial comment
17-January-2005, Switzerland, International Relations and Security Network

With the belated realization that the war in Afghanistan has turned the country once again into a narco-state, Washington has announced an increase in aid to Afghanistan from US$130 to US$780 to combat the opium and heroin trade. But the US record ...

French Chef Jailed in Singapore Drugs Case editorial comment
10-January-2005, Singapore, Scotsman.com

Award-winning French chef Francois Fabien Mermilliod was sentenced to the minimum term of one year in prison today in connection with a high-profile drug case in Singapore. Mermilliod, 29, was one six foreigners charged in the case, including the ...

09-January-2005, United Kingdom, contactmusic.com

SIR BOB GELDOF has rubbished reports he was high on cocaine while he organised charity event BAND AID in 1984. Gelfof, who co-founded the phenomenally-successful fundraiser alongside MIDGE URE, was suffering from such intense back pain he admits ...

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