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Oversupply of cocaine, U.S. shift to synthetic ... editorial comment
31-January-2006, Mexico, NewsFromRussia

wave of violence in Mexico is being fueled in part by an oversupply of cocaine and the growing popularity of synthetic drugs in the United States, leading gangs here to fight over markets to sell their wares, Mexico's attorney general said on ...

Police quiz Kate Moss over drugs editorial comment
31-January-2006, United Kingdom, scotsman

Supermodel Kate Moss was interviewed under caution by police over allegations of cocaine use. The 32-year-old attended a police office in central London for a short meeting with detectives from the Metropolitan Police. She left the building ...

Changing the Drug War Debate editorial comment
26-January-2006, Bolivia, AlterNet

When Evo Morales took the office of president of Bolivia on Sunday, it was notable not only as the end of a "Bolivian-style apartheid" but also for making Morales the world's No. 1 spokesman for the coca plant. Morales, himself a former coca ...

Kate Moss to Spill Fashion, (Alleged) Cocaine ... editorial comment
24-January-2006, United Kingdom, The Book Standard

According to reports, supermodel Kate Moss is close to signing a £1 million book deal (about $1.8 million) with Virgin Book Groups for her autobiography. Virgin head Sir Richard Branson has convinced Moss, who entered rehab after photos of her ...

Border drug war backfiring editorial comment
23-January-2006, United States, DailyBulletin.com

A report outlining hundreds of incursions into the United States by Mexican armed forces over the past 10 years supports what many officials have known for a long time: The corruption once thought endemic only to Mexico's police forces has spread to ...

Colombia suspends anti-drug fumigation editorial comment
17-January-2006, Colombia, United Press International

Despite U.S. efforts to eradicate cocaine production in Latin America, Colombia is suspending aerial fumigation along its border with Ecuador. The decision will concern the Bush administration, which has used Colombia as its primary state in its ...

Bolivia Elects a President Who Supports Coca ... editorial comment
19-December-2005, Bolivia, The New York Times

Evo Morales, a candidate for president who has pledged to reverse a campaign financed by the United States to wipe out coca growing, scored a decisive victory in general elections in Bolivia on Sunday. Evo Morales, 46, a former coca farmer, was ...

Bolivia challenges US war on drugs editorial comment
17-December-2005, Bolivia, Telegraph

A strident left-wing critic of the United States is the favourite to become Bolivia's new president, a result that would send tremors through Washington and delight through an increasingly radical South America. Evo Morales, who started life ...

Time to confront the truth about another U.S. war editorial comment
14-December-2005, United States, Baltimore Sun

A few weeks ago, the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy was ballyhooing statistics showing that the price of cocaine on the streets of America was up 19 percent to $170 a gram and the quality was down 15 percent. This was supposed ...

Labour MP banned for defiance on Commons drugs ... editorial comment
09-December-2005, United Kingdom, Scotsman.com

DENNIS Skinner, the veteran Labour MP, remained unrepentant last night after he was ejected from the Commons chamber for levelling a drugs slur at George Osborne, the shadow chancellor. Mr Skinner, who represents Bolsover, was disciplined after ...

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