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New Drugs Used by Beslan Terrorists Puzzle ... editorial comment
19-October-2004, Russia, MosNews

The terrorists who took over 1,000 people hostage at a school in southern Russia last month used more than just heroin, the head of a parliamentary committee investigating the Beslan siege told journalists. As MosNews reported on Monday, the ...

No knockdowns yet in Soros vs. Hastert editorial comment
02-September-2004, United States, The Hill

Public hostilities between House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) and George Soros, the billionaire donor to the Democratic Party, went into overdrive yesterday. In a letter, the Speaker chided the activist philanthropist for his efforts to ...

Narco Cops Smoking Out Weed Ware editorial comment
01-September-2004, Russia, The Moscow Times.com

Planning on selling that vintage Grateful Dead T-shirt from your college days? Well, don't look for a buyer in Russia. With the narcotics police launching a nationwide campaign against merchandise depicting marijuana leaves, you might just get ...

Judge: Ad Restrictions Unconstitutional
02-June-2004, United States, Associated Press

A judge said Wednesday that a federal law aimed at restricting the display of paid, pro-marijuana ads in buses and subway stations is unconstitutional, improperly infringing on free speech rights. The ruling by U.S. District Judge Paul Friedman ...

Newsbrief: Anti-Drug Ads Pique Curiosity, ...
14-May-2004, United States, Drug Reform Coordination Network

The White House Office of National Drug Control Strategy's anti-drug media campaign is intended, at least ostensibly, to stop kids from using drugs. With the government spending about $200 million in taxpayer money annually and private enterprises ...

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