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I-100 author smokes foes editorial comment
03-November-2005, United States, Rocky Mountain News

23-year-old turns tables on drug war with Denver victory By Alan Gathright, Rocky Mountain News November 3, 2005 It's not even noon and Mason Tvert already has hit seven television and five radio news shows in his post-election victory lap as ...

U.S. needs more sensible drug policy editorial comment
03-November-2005, United States, Norther Star Online

Article By: • David Conard • dconard@northernstar.info "Drugs are bad, m’kay" So says Mr. Mackey, the school counselor from the "South Park" cartoon. That’s an oversimplification, which might be what the show’s creators are saying. Mr. ...

Battle won, but war's not over editorial comment
28-October-2005, Canada, The Edmonton Sun

West-end cops say they've made a significant dent in organized crime and drug trafficking after two undercover investigations led to the arrests of 15 people, including six with ties to gangs. But while cops said they've created a safer ...

Bleak news from the drug war editorial comment
28-October-2005, United States, Recordnet

To me, Red Ribbon Week is a time not only to make the good arguments against drugs to kids, but time to salvage what shreds of national sanity remain after decades of America's war on drugs. Next to solving every foreign policy problem ...

Tories let Cameron off the hook over drugs ... editorial comment
13-October-2005, United Kingdom, Telegraph

David Cameron emerged unscathed from the first round of leadership hustings with Conservative MPs last night after Right-wingers backed away from putting him on the spot over whether he took drugs as a student. His supporters had feared an ...

Doherty freed on bail after drugs raid editorial comment
03-October-2005, United Kingdom, Guardian Unlimited

Pete Doherty, frontman with the band Babyshambles, was released on police bail last night after being arrested earlier in a drugs raid on a venue in Shrewsbury, where he had been playing. Doherty, the on-off boyfriend of supermodel Kate Moss, had ...

HORSE DRUG KATE editorial comment
25-September-2005, United Kingdom, Mirror.co.uk

KATE Moss turned into a "mad woman" after taking a potentially lethal cocktail of drugs including a horse tranquilliser, it was revealed last night. She snorted line after line of cocaine and ketamine - known as Special K in drugs circles - after ...

Former drugs chief slams Moss case editorial comment
24-September-2005, United Kingdom, DeHavilland

Britain's former drugs tsar has criticised the country's most senior policeman for investigating allegations that supermodel Kate Moss used cocaine. Metropolitan police commissioner Sir Ian Blair said that a decision about whether to charge Ms ...

A Less Fashionable War editorial comment
22-September-2005, United States, OpEdNews.com

BY CHARLES SHAW - Malcolm X once said, “Any person who claims to have deep feeling for other human beings should think a long, long time before he votes to have other men kept behind bars—caged. I am not saying there shouldn’t be prisons, but there ...

Drug war fuels crime editorial comment
19-September-2005, United States, The Charlotte Observer

How should North Carolina respond to the growing use of methamphetamine? During the crack epidemic of the '80s, New York City chose the zero tolerance approach, opting to arrest and prosecute as many offenders as possible. Meanwhile, Washington, ...

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