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Karzai 'impeding Afghan drug war' editorial comment
25-July-2008, Afghanistan, BBC

Afghan President Hamid Karzai is obstructing efforts to tackle his country's drugs problem, a former US counter-narcotics official has said. Thomas Schweich said Mr Karzai had protected drug lords for political reasons and tolerated "a certain ...

An overdose of targets - except on drugs editorial comment
31-January-2006, Afghanistan, The Times

THE plan to rebuild Afghanistan, which will be revealed at today’s meeting in London, contains a formidable list of targets for the country. The timing is good, at least. The conference of 30 countries will pull together international attention ...

Women pay a price in war on Afghan drug trade editorial comment
28-September-2005, Afghanistan, boston.com

In the thirsty hills of Nangarhar province, debt is a way of life. Every autumn, sharecroppers take loans from drug traffickers to plant their poppy crops. After every harvest, they repay them in poppies, which are eventually turned into heroin. ...

Afghan drug-fighting efforts failing- lawmakers editorial comment
12-July-2005, Afghanistan, Reuters

U.S. lawmakers told the Bush administration on Tuesday the program to fight Afghanistan's poppy trade appeared on the brink of failure, which they said would undermine work to stabilize the country and spread more drugs throughout the ...

Drugs more threat to Afghans than terrorism, says ... editorial comment
10-July-2005, Afghanistan, Daily Times

Illegal opium production is more of a risk to Afghanistan than terrorism, President Hamid Karzai said on Saturday, adding the world would turn its back on Afghans if they failed to curb the trade. He said opium poppy cultivation was a ...

Karzai rejects US criticism on drugs, slams abuse editorial comment
22-May-2005, Afghanistan, Reuters AlerNet

By John Poirier WASHINGTON, May 22 (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai on Sunday rejected U.S. criticisms of his antidrug efforts, called international help in the fight "half-hearted," and demanded justice for prisoners abused by U.S. ...

US steps up war on Afghan opium editorial comment
26-March-2005, Afghanistan, Guardian Unlimited

The Pentagon, frustrated by the failure of the British-led battle against opium production in Afghanistan, plans to quadruple the spending on its anti-narcotics campaign, and deploy its troops in a full-scale war on the country's drug lords. "We ...

Britain Doubles Funding for Fighting Drugs in ... editorial comment
16-February-2005, United Kingdom, VOA News

Britain says it plans to double its spending on anti-drug efforts in Afghanistan. But British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw adds that without a balanced approach, extra funds will do little to solve the problem. During a day trip to the capital ...

Taking the crime out of drugs editorial comment
26-January-2005, China, China Daily

The community methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) programme is proving an effective therapy for keeping heroin addicts off illegal narcotics and reducing drug-related crime in East China's Zhejiang Province. So far, about 300 addicts in the ...

Palliative value of opioid drugs has been ... editorial comment
20-January-2005, United Kingdom, Financial Times

From Mr Don Aston. Sir, Perhaps your editorial "The unwinnable war on dangerous drugs" (January 15) could also have mentioned an important and often overlooked casualty of this unwinnable war. With specific reference to heroin (and other ...

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