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Minister pledges drugs crackdown editorial comment
12-October-2004, United Kingdom, BBC News

Justice Minister Cathy Jamieson has pledged to tackle the death and misery caused by drugs in Scotland. Her vow follows an admission by staff at one of Scotland's toughest jails that they are losing the battle against drug smugglers. Official ...

Two Brits on drug charges editorial comment
09-October-2004, Singapore, Scotsman.com

TWO Britons have been arrested in Singapore as police allegedly smashed a major drug ring. British-born magazine editor Nigel Bruce Simmonds, 35, was among 23 people held in raids against suspected traffickers and their clients which police said ...

Deputy drug czar opposes legalizing marijuana editorial comment
07-October-2004, United States, Billings Gazette

By CLAIR JOHNSON Of The Gazette Staff Scott Burns, a top federal official in the war on drugs, visited Montana this week intending to discuss methamphetamine. But Burns found himself talking instead mostly about marijuana, as Montanans prepare ...

An end to marijuana prohibition
30-September-2004, United States, The Anchorage Press

Never before have so many Americans supported decriminalizing and even legalizing marijuana. Seventy-two percent say that for simple marijuana possession, people should not be incarcerated but fined: the generally accepted definition of ...

View from Europe: comparative justice
06-September-2004, United States, Bangor Daily News

Most Americans are proud of their country and they have many reasons to be. From time to time they give vent to their patriotic feelings in superlatives, saying things like "The U.S. has the best/ strongest/ finest ... in the world." Frequently such ...

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