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Medicinal Marijuana on Trial editorial comment
29-March-2005, United States, The New York Times

Medical marijuana is now legal in 11 states, and bills to legalize it are pending in at least 7 more. The drug is also at the heart of a case being considered by the United States Supreme Court. Yet there remains much confusion over whether ...

Drugs workers form alliance to challenge UN’s ... editorial comment
06-March-2005, United Kingdom, The Sunday Herald

A LEADING Scottish drugs professional is to challenge the adoption of zero-tolerance drugs policies by the United Nations at an international drugs conference in Vienna this week. David Liddell, director of the Scottish Drugs Forum and chair of ...

Undercover officers buy,sell drugs as part of ... editorial comment
10-February-2005, United States, Charleston Daily Mail

Charleston police are stepping up efforts to fight the wave of crime that has plagued the West Side and East End by having undercover officers work both sides of the drug trade in sting operations. As a different strategy, undercover officers are ...

Vancouver clinic offers free heroin in North ... editorial comment
10-February-2005, Canada, CBC News

VANCOUVER - A clinic in Vancouver began recruiting heroin addicts to give them free drugs, as part of a national study that's the first of its kind in North America. The North American Opiate Medication Initiative plans to enroll 470 ...

Ex-TV personality Tashiro handed prison term for ... editorial comment
07-February-2005, Japan, Mainichi Interactive

Disgraced former TV personality Masashi Tashiro, who previously evaded imprisonment after he was found guilty of using drugs, was ordered to spend 3 1/2 years behind bars on Monday for again using stimulants and injecting drugs into his ...

TV celebrity Tashiro faces 4-years prison for ... editorial comment
27-January-2005, Japan, Mainichi Interactive

Prosecutors on Thursday demanded former TV personality Masashi Tashiro be sentenced to prison for four and a half years for using illegal drugs. Tashiro, 48, bought illegal drugs from a foreign dealer around spring last year and used them with a ...

War, drugs, and the war on drugs editorial comment
17-January-2005, Switzerland, International Relations and Security Network

With the belated realization that the war in Afghanistan has turned the country once again into a narco-state, Washington has announced an increase in aid to Afghanistan from US$130 to US$780 to combat the opium and heroin trade. But the US record ...

12-December-2004, United States, MercuryNews.com

Although they wear the same standard-issue black robes, it's difficult to confuse U.S. Supreme Court Justices Antonin Scalia -- an impassioned conservative with thick, dark hair -- with John Paul Stevens -- an ardent liberal whose mane is as white ...

Drug dealers go ride-less under new law editorial comment
27-October-2004, United States, TownOnline.com

Look out, drug dealers, because you may lose your car thanks to a recently signed ordinance of the Boston City Council. Sponsored by Rob Consalvo, the ordinance became law on Oct. 13 after Mayor Thomas M. Menino signed it; the ordinance allows ...

Mandatory time doesn't fit the crime editorial comment
21-October-2004, United States, Central Florida Future

In the game of Monopoly there is a space on the board that says "Go directly to jail." There is something very similar to this in the game of life, mandatory minimum sentences. Get busted trafficking drugs, go directly to jail. No complaints or ...

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