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Speakout: Time has come to legalize marijuana editorial comment
14-November-2005, United States, Rocky Mountain News

The Rocky Mountain News editorializes that the city of Denver must enforce the state pot law in the wake of the repeal of the city ordinance by voters, as if some profound prinicple were at stake here ("City must enforce state pot law," Nov. 7). In ...

New strategies for the old war against drugs editorial comment
18-October-2005, Canada, The Globe and Mail

Whether we like it or not, we appear headed for what will certainly be a loud and rancorous debate over this country's drug policies. And framing the discussion will be the ever-growing view of health professionals that it's time to turn convention ...

Toking Diplomacy editorial comment
14-October-2005, United States, Mother Jones

If you were the guy everyone called the prince of pot and the U.S. drug czar came to town rattling his saber, you’d probably have the sense to stay out of his way. At the very least, you wouldn’t go out of your way to antagonize him, let alone pay ...

The War on Drugs editorial comment
30-August-2005, United States, Foreign Policy

The war on drugs will soon be over. It won’t have been won or lost, and we certainly won’t have wiped out illicit drug use. People will still pursue their personal pleasures and uncontrollable addictions. No, the war on drugs will end because drugs ...

Justice Weighs Desire v. Duty (Duty Prevails) editorial comment
25-August-2005, United States, The New York Times

It is not every day that a Supreme Court justice calls his own decisions unwise. But with unusual candor, Justice John Paul Stevens did that last week in a speech in which he explored the gap that sometimes lies between a judge's desire and duty. ...

Against the drug war editorial comment
16-August-2005, United States, The Washington Times

There has always been a certain resistance on the right to the war on drugs. One of the most persuasive texts on that front came in 1972, when the National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse put forth a report entitled "Marihuana: A Signal of ...

'Sneak-and-Peak' Law Helps More Than War on ... editorial comment
15-August-2005, United States, FOXNews.com

Hidden cameras and microphones placed by federal agents in a house in Lynden, Wash., paid off recently when officials uncovered a plot to dig a drug tunnel from Canada to the United States. But because federal officials used a provision in the ...

Protesters fear Canada caught in drug war editorial comment
04-August-2005, Canada, 24 Hours Vancouver

Canada is being forced to fight the U.S. war on drugs on its own soil, says the B.C. Civil Liberties Association. Vancouver police were directly involved in the U.S.-led investigation that saw pot activist Marc Emery arrested last week as part ...

Bush's War on Pot editorial comment
28-July-2005, United States, RollingStone.com

America's long-running war on drugs has, literally, gone to pot. More than two decades after it was launched in response to the spread of crack cocaine -- and in the midst of a brand-new wave of methamphetamine use sweeping the country -- the ...

Schapelle Corby drug appeal opens editorial comment
20-July-2005, Indonesia, CNN.com

Convicted Australian drug smuggler Schapelle Corby's appeal trial has opened on the Indonesian tourist island of Bali Wednesday amid chaotic scenes. Corby, who in May this year was sentenced to 20 years in jail for smuggling 4.1 kilograms (9 ...

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