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Govt funding website on dodging drug laws editorial comment
09-November-2004, New Zealand, Scoop

A Youth Law website, partly funded by the Government, gives teens advice on how to dodge drug laws and sends them to a drug-legalisation website for further information, United Future law and order spokesman Marc Alexander revealed in Parliament ...

Zero tolerance policy in full effect editorial comment
27-October-2004, United States, The East Carolinian

The new zero tolerance policy enacted this year is trying to keep residents and others from using illegal drugs or marketing them in any way. This policy was put into place by Campus Living in an attempt to keep the campus and its residents and ...

California Initiative to Rein-In Three-Strikes ... editorial comment
22-October-2004, United States, DRC

Ten years ago, California voters frightened by violent crime and led by politicians who manipulated that fear voted to enact what is popularly known as the three-strikes-you're-out law. Under three-strikes, persons with two previous violent or ...

Kobe Bryant Accuser Kate Faber Sex, Lies, Drugs, ... editorial comment
19-October-2004, United States, s5000

Kobe Bryant has to be hoping that his civil case with Kate Faber doesn’t go to trial for a long time. www.fratpack.com has complete information on the Kobe Bryant case. With each passing day more information about Kate Faber becomes available. ...

New Drugs Used by Beslan Terrorists Puzzle ... editorial comment
19-October-2004, Russia, MosNews

The terrorists who took over 1,000 people hostage at a school in southern Russia last month used more than just heroin, the head of a parliamentary committee investigating the Beslan siege told journalists. As MosNews reported on Monday, the ...

Beslan Terrorists Were Drug Addicts: Russian ... editorial comment
18-October-2004, Russia, HealthTalk

The terrorists who took hostages at a Beslan secondary school on September 1, were addicted to narcotics, according to a statement by Russia's Deputy Prosecutor General, Nikolay Shepel. According to Russian news agencies, Nikolay Shepel said ...

One cannot overcome a drug conviction editorial comment
17-October-2004, United States, The Bloomington Alternative

What do the following public figures have in common? William Jefferson Clinton, George W. Bush, Joe Kernan, Mitch Daniels, Al Gore, Rush Limbaugh. Answer: They have all used illicit drugs or been addicted to licit drugs. In a recent debate here ...

This Is American History On Drugs editorial comment
25-February-2002, United States, Freezerbox

Viewers of the Super Bowl, and there were a lot of them, were probably surprised to learn they had been helping the terrorists win. Not all of the viewers, of course, just those who might have occasionally sparked a joint, or dropped some acid, or ...

I'd burn down my neighbor's house editorial comment
26-September-2000, United States, jewishworldreview

I DID EVERYTHING I could, and it's not my fault. As a legal resident of the noble Fourth District of Connecticut -- once represented by glamorous, brilliant, smart aleck Claire Booth Luce, and currently represented by a phony, ponderous, ...

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