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07-February-2006, United Kingdom, The Mirror

LABOUR was yesterday accused of losing the drugs war after new figures showed around 1,300 people a year were dying from overdoses. Statistics reveal just under 13,000 people were killed by "drug-related poisoning involving illegal substances" in ...

Meth dangers: Addictive drug a pollution threat editorial comment
20-January-2006, United States, The Ithaca Journal

It's cheap and easy to make, and law enforcement officials throughout the county say it's by far the biggest drug problem they're dealing with. It can also injure people -- adults and children -- who've never bought, used, heard of or even seen ...

Lawmen vs. the drug warriors editorial comment
15-December-2005, United States, Arkansas Times

For months, full-page advertisements challenging government policy toward pain management doctors have been appearing in national magazines. “The government is waging an aggressive, intemperate, unjustified war on pain doctors,” the headline on ...

Restrictions on Meth Ingredients Are Sought editorial comment
15-December-2005, United States, The New York Times

A bipartisan group of lawmakers announced an agreement on Wednesday to restrict the sales of cold medicines that can be used to manufacture the illegal and highly addictive drug methamphetamine. Under the proposal, Sudafed and similar medicines ...

There's no room for tolerance in the war against ... editorial comment
14-December-2005, United Kingdom, Yorkshire Today

Raymond Curry is a former chairman of Leeds magistrates. THE specialist drugs courts being tested in Leeds and London are billed as the latest initiative aimed at reducing drug abuse and related crime, even though drug treatment and testing ...

UK trio held over Singapore drugs editorial comment
09-December-2005, Singapore, Scotsman.com

Singapore authorities said 13 foreigners had been arrested, including three British citizens, who they suspect of being part of a drug syndicate. The others arrested were seven Thai nationals and an American, The arrests come just days after ...

Drugs policy changes threaten “social” suppliers editorial comment
07-December-2005, United Kingdom, Young People Now

Young drug users could be accused of more serious offences under Government plans to standardise charges, a leading drugs charity has warned. At present cases are dealt with individually, but the Home Office has written to stakeholders asking for ...

Singapore Hangs Australian Drug Smuggler Nguyen editorial comment
02-December-2005, Singapore, Bloomberg.com

Singapore executed Australian drug smuggler Nguyen Tuong Van today after rejecting requests from Australian Prime Minister John Howard to spare his life. The 25-year-old was hanged at Changi Prison this morning, Singapore's Ministry of Home ...

Just Say Yes: U.S.O.C. Hires a Maker of ... editorial comment
16-November-2005, United States, The New York Times

Departing from its traditional just-say-no stance toward nutritional supplement use by athletes, the United States Olympic Committee has taken a new approach: signing up a supplement manufacturer as an official supporter and requiring every batch of ...

I-100 author smokes foes editorial comment
03-November-2005, United States, Rocky Mountain News

23-year-old turns tables on drug war with Denver victory By Alan Gathright, Rocky Mountain News November 3, 2005 It's not even noon and Mason Tvert already has hit seven television and five radio news shows in his post-election victory lap as ...

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