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The 'Potent Pot' Myth
30-July-2004, United States, Alternet

Recently, the media have repeated dire warnings about alleged "super pot." In an attempt to frighten parents who may have dabbled in their day, our government claims that new strains of potent marijuana are far more dangerous than the innocuous ...

Russell Simmons' Wife Faces Drug Charges
29-July-2004, United States, Yahoo news

Kimora Lee Simmons is seen in this July 26, 2004, photo released by the Saddle River, N.J., police department Thursday, July 29, 2004. Simmons, the wife of hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons, faces drug and motor vehicle charges after police said she was ...

Ecstasy Research Looks for Benefits
25-July-2004, United States, Baltimore Sun

Somewhere in Charleston, S.C., in a safe bolted to the floor and protected by an alarm system, Michael Mithoefer keeps his supply of Ecstasy. He is not a dealer or a user; he is simply following federal Drug Enforcement Administration rules. The ...

Commentary: Drugs and the 9/11 Commission Report
23-July-2004, United States, Drug Reform Coordination Network

Drugs and drug policy are everywhere -- even in the final report released yesterday by the 9-11 Commission. Drugs were a decidedly secondary issue for the commission, understandably -- we are able to include literally every excerpt on the topic in ...

European Union Group Urges Censorship of ...
23-July-2004, Belgium, Drug Reform Coordination Network

A European Union (EU) working group on drug policy has issued a draft resolution identifying marijuana as European drug problem number one and recommending, among other things, that governments move to censor or criminalize Internet sites that ...

Marijuana Decriminalization Bill to be ...
23-July-2004, Canada, Drug Reform Coordination Network

Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin announced Wednesday that his government will reintroduce a bill that would make possession of less than 15 grams of marijuana a ticketable offense with no criminal record. This will mark the third time a Liberal ...

Nation's Jails Stuffed With Drug Offenders, ...
23-July-2004, United States, Drug Reform Coordination Network

In its latest survey of the nation's jail populations, the Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) reported that 665,475 people were being held in local lock-ups as of June 30, 2002. Of that number, 156,000 were doing time for drug ...

Singapore Executes Man for Six Pounds of ...
23-July-2004, Singapore, Drug Reform Coordination Network

According to local news reports picked up by Deutsch Presse Agentur, authorities in Singapore executed a man Monday after he was convicted of storing 2.7 kilograms (slightly more than six pounds) of marijuana at his apartment. Raman Selvam ...

Fury Over Drugs Guide
21-July-2004, United Kingdom, icCoventry

A handbook advising people how to take drugs - backed by Coventry City Council - has been branded a waste of taxpayers' money. The guide features advice such as washing your nose after snorting cocaine and avoiding food before taking horse ...

Maple Marijuana Shipments to U.S. dwarfed by ...
19-July-2004, Canada, myTelus

OTTAWA (CP) - Canada's budding reputation as America's pot pusher is getting a shakedown from some new figures that tell a different tale. Far from being the major exporter of marijuana to the United States as many might think, Canada accounts for ...

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